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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Yeah I meant just behind him in qualifying times, directly behind him on the grid is Alonso Edit: Apparently Massa wasn't light! He certainly looked it, he was miles clear of everyone else.
  2. Massa takes Pole, Hamilton down in 4th, Kovalainen just behind him, which could be handy. I think Massa will win tomorrow, I think it's a question of can Hamilton get in the top 5.
  3. Ah fuck off Hull, you're shit, can't even score 4 against Scum.
  4. Should have been off (I'm guessing I haven't seen or heard it). COME ON HULL!
  5. Come on Hull! 5-4 win is still on the cards
  6. Last I checked harassment was illegal. Yeah but the intent was clearly humour and it wasn't intended to be malicious, I'd be very surprised if the police don't just laugh it off if it's reported.
  7. Hull, you shit bastards, stop letting them score! I demand to be able to mock my scum supporting friends
  8. I agree, the only good song they've had was the FCC song.
  9. Credit>Daily Mail And he'll do what, ask him nicely if he'll sell like a bitch whilst he pretends to hurt him. Seriously, Shane would have come over better if he said he'd knock him out than "give me 5 minutes in the ring with him". Edit: And Benji, people who aren't: Upper class snobs, working class people who don't do their job properly(which is all working class folk, apparently), jews, blacks, immigrants/foreign, Leeds fans, religious, left wing, BBC viewers, single, unemployed, on benefits of any sort or from the North. I'm sure I'm missing some.
  10. Play 4-1-4-1 away from home, defend deeper, increase time wasting and play a more long ball game. Don't have to do them all, but they'll all help in some manner.
  11. When you agree to sell these players, offer them (big) new contracts at the same time. Some of the time you'll keep them.
  12. Arsenal and Sunderland too on the Delph part... Seriously fuck off, he's ours.
  13. So apparently he's staying put for the weekend at least because he's been told he'll get a runout at Old Trafford. This has happened with every player we've signed in the last year, it's taken them forever to decide if they want to come or not, annoying as fuck.
  14. Hyperbole escapes you. Either that or sarcasm escapes me.
  15. Westlake (probably on 4k or so, given he was signed in the Championship and was considered good back then) and Johnson (probably on 3k or so) have both gone on loan in the past couple of days. We probably wouldn't pay his full wage anyway but still, he'd be an expensive back-up and he wouldn't be good enough to displace show-pony or Becchio.
  16. I'm sure that, if the CPO for some reason refused rights to the Chelsea FC name, they'd just do something similar to Leeds and rename themselves Chelsea Associated Football Club or something. If you're referring to what happened last summer; common misconception: Bates formed a new company that own the club (confusingly named after the club), the club is still Leeds United Association Football Club as it has been since 1919. If not, then you're either way off the mark or referring to something I don't know about... As for the Stamford Bridge thing, I'm almost certain they could just buy that from Chelsea Pitch Owners or given that they're fans and it's a non-profit organisation, they may just allow them use of the name. I wouldn't foresee it being much of a problem if Chel$ki were to move any time soon. All 10 or 11 are above you in the standings though. You don't classify the 'big clubs' as the ones that finish the highest in the league, you classify them by fan base, history and just the overall stature of the club. If Hull finish above Spurs this season, does it make them a bigger club? No. Have Spurs actually won the league since 1726? Edit: And Liverpool can fuck off if the rumour I've just been told R.E. them signing Delph and White from us is true. Fuck right off.
  17. How many people actually knew (and remembered) who Andrew Sachs was 2 weeks ago? If more than one or two people said they did then they're lying. I have the damn series on DVD and couldn't have told you his name, yes he was funny (albeit very offensive, ironically) but he's certainly not a "well-loved comedian".
  18. Leeds to sign Dean Windass on loan today (or at the latest tomorrow)... That's the rumour anyway. Grr... we could do with him since Showunmi is our only backup striker and he's so wank at shooting that it took him 2 attempts to score in an open net from a yard out. But I'm not sure how much he'll offer to our game and plus he supposidly hates Leeds, so I don't know if his heart would be in it. I'd be happier if we waited until January to get a new striker in and brough in a central defender on loan instead, since we're leaking goals all over the shop.
  19. Spurs' comeback was so awesome I found myself shouting "YES! Get the fuck in" when I don't even particularly like Spurs.
  20. Anyone got it yet? And more to the point is it worth updating?
  21. Apparently the producer called him to check if he was ok with them airing it, he said he wasn't but they aired it anyway. I can't stand Brand so I wouldn't mind if he dissapered off the face of the earth, don't mind Ross. I do love the general public just getting outraged again about the liscence fee. "WHY ARE MY TAXES PAYING THESE OUTRAGEOUS WAGES FOR THESE TWO SEXIST PIGS?!" Eh, hadn't heard that if so; the producer definitely should be sacked but still, if Sachs was that upset by it he should have contacted the BBC first.
  22. Haev all the Russell Brand haters actually listened to the show? He spends the entire time saying "You can't say that", "I can't believe you're doing this" and "This is on his answer phone", it was also Ross that was swearing repeatedly and Ross that made the statement that Brand had "fucked his grandaughter". Of course, Brand will be sanctioned more severely because the BBC would lose more face if the blame were to be blamed on their highest earner rather than one of the media's biggest antagonists. Also, the show was recorded on the Thursday but not aired until the Saturday night; to me that's plenty of time for Sachs to have phoned the BBC and told them not to air it. It's been completely blown out of proportion, it was a joke that overstepped the mark, an apology should have been enough.
  23. Just seen that Leeds' game has been moved to Friday night - looks as though it's on Setanta - but fuck, it's now on my birthday so I doubt I'll be off - pub it is.
  24. Matt

    Jukebox Songs

    Radio by Alkaline Trio Monkey Wrench by the Foos BYOB by SOAD Edit: and Girl by Beck
  25. Relax, you'll win. We'll put out our second string becasue there's a myth about Elland Road that our second string is better than most teams in L1's first teams; it's completely untrue of course hence the 4-2 defeat at Rotherham.
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