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Everything posted by Momo

  1. KH is most definitely not a time eater. It's about 20 hours long if that. Play in moderation and you're fine, which is true to all games, but is good advice none the less. You only have to play a few hours a day and you could have KH beaten in a week. FFXII... yeah, that's where things become a little more problematic. For me, it takes to around the 70 hour mark just to get to the final battle. Of course, if you don't level grind and get all the best equipment when you can get it, then you could cut it down to 50. Once again, playing in moderation is advisable, but doing that could mean you will be playing for a month or more. Set a whole day aside if you're able to, just so you can play the game. Oblivion, I've never played simply cause I'm not interested so I can't really give advice on the subject.
  2. If nothing else, the environments are beautiful. Play the game just to see it if you have to. The detail is amazing. I've begun stopping in each area I go through, just to look at how pretty it is.
  3. "There's only one hacker in the world that can crack this." or whatever the damn line was in the Transformers movie. Seriously fucking lame.
  4. OK, apparently I'm being given a Nintendo Dongle for no apparent reason from one of my friends. I shan't be complaining, the point being, I can finally trade online without having to visit McDonalds.
  5. I presume you don't actually mean 'Jecht's Theme' (which is a rather quiet ambling track that you generally hear while watching the spheres), but rather the theme during the Jecht boss. Being Otherworld, of course. So I don't know why Kryp mentions both, since Jecht's Theme is really nothing special. I do however love the old school blippiness of the Seymour Battle music (fourth battle, inside Sin).
  6. They should be fine, they're not the official composed items. So what's everyones favourite OST? For me it's either VIII, IX or XII. VIII was a really quite magnificent overall military felt soundtrack, IX was a very whimsical and generally fun soundtrack, mixed in with dark themes. XII is different, I like the music less for the game and more for how it is as a solo media. If I had to choose one it'd have to be IX, for obvious reasons
  7. KH gets my love. I am of the opinion that KHII is the only good game to come out of Square-Enix since the merger, and I think that it's because they didn't try to do anything too complex with the gameplay. Spoiler: Click here to viewAlso, the real Ansem is fucking awesome. They chose the perfect person to voice him.
  8. Momo


    There's also The Sex Machine Guns. I've not actually heard any of their music, but the name caught my attention.
  9. Momo


    Wow LUKIE, it's so nice to see you respecting other people's opinions for a change and not shitting all over them because you don't agree. (Y)
  10. Momo


    abingdon boys school is a great J-Rock band. Luna Sea is good too. I obtained the memorial album just cause it had abs covering one of the songs, but all of the songs are great. I like a few Hamasaki songs, mainly the ones from anime's like Gundam Seed. Utada Hikaru is amazing. The Kingdom Hearts songs are awesome, even if you don't like the games. Akira Sudou is a great J-Rock chick as well. She's not everybody's thing though. If you've seen BubbleGum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 and like the music from that, she's the singer. Yoko Kanno and Origa kick ass. There was not one song on the Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society OST that didn't perfectly fit the movie. Some of the best music I've ever heard in an anime movie. Home Made Kazoku is a very unique sound to me. I love the Eureka 7 theme they did. Izawa Asami did one of the ending themes for Eureka 7. Very catchy. Nirgilis did the final theme for Eureka 7. Absolutely beautiful. It starts off with Amazing Grace and then goes into a J-Pop hit. I love it. My favourite song from an anime series. Orange Range does the Bleach theme. The tune stays in my head. The opening credits may have something to do with that though. I hate Bleach with a passion though, so for this song to stick in my head is an amazing feat. Yoriko did the theme for Black Cat. I love this song too. I used to hate missing the opening credits to Black Cat just because of this song. I've more stuff, but it's not been added to my iTunes library cause I've run out of space on my iPod. I hate manually updating stuff. >_>
  11. I posted a team a while back for you guys to take a look at. I've done a bit of breeding for it to get the right nature's and the like, but I've not been training them yet. I'm holding off until after I've caught everything minus the event-only legendaries. EDIT: Just quickly, does anybody have a Stantler. I've been trying to find one on Pearl for 2 weeks now and I've had no luck.
  12. Momo

    The Anime Thread

    Yeah. Azumanga should go on for fucking ever. Stoker: GITS: SAC Spoiler: Click here to view I'm not sure if it's the last episode or not, but when Batou and the Major are the only two Sector 9 members left and the Major is shot in the head and Batou detained. Oh and gratz on Dominion stoker. You deserve it. (Y)
  13. Momo

    Star Trek

    Data is the most awesome character in the Next Generation, just for his movie appearances.
  14. I seriously fucking hate how every bad guy in Fire Red has an attack that will inflict poison or confuse though. Playing through Fire Red 3 times with each of the starters in a short span of time just so you can get the Legendary Dogs in D/P is not recommended. >_>
  15. I found out the other day that VIII doesn't work at all on the PS3. It gets past the playstation logo and then shows a blank screen for a long enough time to make me lose my patience. On Dirge of Cerberus. It's not horrible, but it's not the best that SE has done. The story is good, so if you're willing to look past the gameplay flaws, then you'll like it.
  16. To expand on my previous statements about FFXII and Sham's statements as well, FFXII takes far too much effort to get enough money to buy the awesome equipment. I spent 2 hours this morning Chain Killing Couerls so I could raise enough money to not be worried by the time I get to Archadia. I get to Archadia and find myself 66,000 Gil short of buying what I want. While the training wasn't all that bad, the loot was not near good enough. Tedious and annoying, but damn it if it isn't beautiful.
  17. -Beating Ozma in FFIX after originally going into the battle to scan him. In other words, I wasn't using the party I'd meant to. -Defeating all the dark aeons in FFX, especially dark Yojimbo.
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