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Everything posted by Kazuka

  1. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    I'm sadly doomed to buy every version of the game that comes out regardless. I'm aesthetic whore, and having CAWS in place of actual Jericho, Heel Bryan, Undertaker, ect just don't do it for me. I figure as long as they keep Universe updating and keep trying to innovate I don't have much issue with the yearly purchase. I pay for Xbox Live once a year, I figure I can swing this too.
  2. Practice and unlocks make it easier, really. I'm already nearing the end of my first prestige run, it's an alright game, but you really need to be a twitch gamer to get a serious Kill/Death ratio
  3. So far I'm finding the throwing knife the most enjoyable lethal thrown. I don't know why, I guess I just find it a tad classier than grenade spam
  4. I ended up picking it up. Not particularly disappointed, but not impeccably impressed either. About what I expected. It'll be a good time eater when I can't devote much time to anything in particular, which is what I wanted.
  5. So, I'm a Mouse and Keyboard snob, and I'm tired of the increasingly boring gameplay of COD4 (Playing as long as I have, I've unlocked everything worth unlocking.) Is MW3 worth it on PC yet? Are the mod tools to fix issues with field of view and what not, and if not, how alive is Blackops in the PC world? I've heard a good portion of it's issues are resolved through patches and modifications via ini file changes (Note: these aren't hacks, they're fixes for field of view and other stuff related to basic PC function.)
  6. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot; How the hell do you get comebacks to work? I've tried pressing the button, spamming the button, and it every time since getting into it, I've been reversed. Is it just the sliders being too high on reversal? Or am I doing something wrong? :| The game is a blast and all, but I'd like to at least get myself a win once in a while through non-jackass ways (Dominating the computer, being a spammy bastard, reversing finishers, ect)
  7. Shane isn't hated because he's BAD, he's hated because he's RIGHT, in my opinion. Nobody likes to see his way of doing things because he's not trying to SAVE people, he's trying to SURVIVE. It makes his actions detestable, but in the end, what he's doing is the logical course of action and it's that lack of emotional empathy that makes all his edgier actions so off-putting. It also makes him an amazingly compelling character. As for the ending. I wasn't expecting much from it, but as it came to a close, I ended up being absolutely in awe. It was a moment where the series went from "Just Good" to undoubtedly Awesome.
  8. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    Maybe they meant for Online Axess or whatever they call it? I don't play these games online so I don't recall. I do know that they require codes upon purchase, and if you don't have them, you have to buy them.
  9. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    They were in 11, no reason they wouldn't be in 12.
  10. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    Mick Foley The roster this year is fan-fricking-tastic. I haven't been this excited for a WWE game in years.
  11. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    Jim Ross as playable character: Michael Cole as playable Character: HBK in pre-chaps attire: Edit: OLDSCHOOL EDGE AND CHRISTIAN ATTIRE Edit 2: Last on the DLC according to Cory Ledesma's twitter is Road Warrior's alternate attire, black shoulderpads, ect.
  12. So, I go to the local midnight launch, grab the game, happy golucky. Get home, open the case, update the game on Ps3, and start looking for the Catwoman DLC voucher. I find it! .... Without a key printed on it -.-, nowhere to be found on any item in the box and all the other DLC stuff is in there, too. When did games start being like fast food? Do I have to start opening the boxes in front of the store to make sure this stuff is there? It's the third time it's happened in the last three years for me. Kind of frustrating.
  13. Kazuka

    The Avengers

    Amazing that they're actually pulling this off, I see movie marathon in my future as well.
  14. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    Their little stat changer-thingy will probably be in this year as well, so any miscast ratings can be fixed. Overall, I think the roster this year might be the best in a long time, possibly ever in terms of legends vs current roster members. It's been a definite buy since the moment they said "The Rock", Eddie, Demolition, L.O.D. and now this? Seals, zips, and sends away my money this year all by itself.
  15. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    He's used it in a few matches, but I wouldn't doubt it's like Jack Swagger's finisher, in they just haven't bothered to record the in game footage for his finisher and will "update" it later.
  16. That is some silky smooth voice acting right there. Played a bit of it so far, and I'm rather enjoying it. Deathclaws are even more frightening to me now. they're ninjas I tell ya'.
  17. I played it on PC solo, personally I think a lot of the fun comes from the co-op. I found the game drug on stupidly long for what seems to be a semi-linear experience (This is a comparison to something like Fallout 3 or New Vegas/Oblivion mind you.) It was alright over though, the upgrade system is fun, it slowed down for me though around the endgame, with the insane cash they throw at you by that point, it becomes pretty mundane how fast you can upgrade/repair your gear. Might pick it up again if IRL friends drop the cash for it on PC, could see it being almost as good a co-op experience as L4D2, with it's RPG elements making for classes (Sam B being a tank, the football player and gun specialist being the ranged and the asian girl being melee damage)
  18. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    According to Tank's twitter. Edge, Cody Rhodes, Ezekial Jackson, & Tyson Kidd will be activated in the next 24 hours.
  19. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is a damn fun game. Even non fans should give it a try.
  20. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    Lies, all lies. I honestly intend to get the "People's edition" should it win in the voting (seems to be) anyway. For all I know, though, they could pull what they did last year, and put Bret Hart on the cover for us canadian's >_>
  21. Kazuka

    WWE '12

    Now, for the most important question of all...!? Has Evan Bourne's shooting star finally been fixed? ...Seriously, it drives me nuts.
  22. It's been a long time...er, wait, no, no it hasn't. I've just been too lazy to post more than a few times a year, so I have nothing to really contribute. :| midly disinterested face.

  23. ...Ricky Steamboat as the final Legend. Joygasm.
  24. ...Huh...Apparently the second to last legend in SDVR 2011 is.....Rob Van Dam...? I'm both stoked as hell for this, and completely confused.
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