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    Venice Beach, CA.

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Development Deal (2/12)



  1. Video trailer released for the new Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC that is coming out next tuesday for 800 MS/BW points. -> http://masseffect.bioware.com/ Looks really sweet, not a really big Liara fan myself, but it's cool to kick it with the old skool crew.
  2. Heh. I already own pretty much all the cool games. Got DIRT for three bucks, might play that in a few days haven't played a racing game in a while.
  3. SJay068

    Jonah Hex

    Sorry for being off topic, but what the fuck is up with Megan's new face. Saw this while browsing IMDB.
  4. http://store.steampowered.com/news/3742/ The Passing is out! =o
  5. Got myself the Alternate Appearance Pack, I hope they make the other ones soon. April 6 I'll get Kasumi and I'll start a new game for the 5th time again --> MaleShep/Paragon/Soldier like every other time. Can't really be bothered with Biotics/Tech and Renegade to be honest. And 2 days remain until the Countdown to an Epic BioWare Community Event has ended.
  6. If you import a high level ME1 (50+) you will start with some extra levels. Also it could be like the first game, where you also couldn't max out in one playthrough. In that case you would need to import your ME2 character and start a second playthrough. Which will give you some bonuses like 25% experience gain, 50000 of each minerals and you can select one of your team's special abilities as your own.
  7. http://www.masseffect.com/info/dlc/ Kasumi is planned for release April 6, price will be 560 MS/BioWare points. GameTrailers video: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/kasumi-dlc-mass-effect/63466?type=flv A New Appearance Pack will be out March 23, along with the Firewalker missions pack. This pack will give you new looks for Jack, Thane and Garrus. The appearance pack will cost 160 MS/BioWare points, Firewalker pack will be free.
  8. Man I hate those kind of images, I first thought it was a .gif file.
  9. This pisses me off, I was so looking forward to that fight. Great, gives all the Lesnar haters even more to hate on.
  10. If I'm right the campaign in the demo will be The Parish, which is said to be "last" campaign in chronologic order. Bit of a bummer if you want to start from the exact beginning (since the campaigns are supposed to be related to each other this time).
  11. That's gonna be a scary place. D:
  12. Legendary EWB member!

  13. So I discovered Iron Maiden a hundred years after everybody else did, but does anyone know bands that sound similar to them?
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