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Everything posted by Mancuerda

  1. I would personally put Orton and Cena around 80 each. Cena might deserve to be ONE point higher, but really I'd just put them at the same.
  2. I love James Storm, but I think his charisma is just a little overrated. I'd lower it from 89 to 86. That puts him on par with Bobby Roode, who's better at cutting traditional promos but doesn't have Storm's personality, IMO.
  3. My bad, Kris. Sorry for getting a little hostile. I just don't agree, so I'll leave it at that. Anyway... TNA Destination X spoilers (condensed):
  4. But these... first of all, what constitutes "high spots" these days? Flair and JBL weren't doing them when they were still wrestling actively, and I hardly think they'd be doing them now. Flair's biggest bump is falling off a ladder, but only from about halfway up typically. He does bleed a lot, but bleeding isn't a high spot. I don't think he deserves it. And JBL doesn't take hardcore bumps anymore and hasn't since he fully got into his rich Texan gimmick. Ric Flair is based primarily off of the ladder bump he took off the top to the outside through a table in his match with Edge. His match against Edge from like, 6 years ago? Or 7? Seriously? He doesn't do bumps anymore. No he doesn't. He hasn't been a real main eventer in 15 years. He doesn't deserve higher than 95 or so. The guy wouldn't be more well known than John Cena. Wrestling fans who saw Flair's last title reign, if they were 18 around that time, they're like 30 now... There are a lot of NEW wrestling fans who don't really know Ric Flair all that well. 95 is still really high and would be accurate. If it were "up to you?" So you didn't just suggest 79? Who was that, then, JBL himself? I don't get your comment. If you aren't making the suggestions you WANT to make, then WTF are you doing? Whatever. JBL wasn't that great. He is worse now.
  5. I think Flair should only be a point or two above Sting, so 94-95 is good. No way is he 97-98 in this day and age... hell, 94 is being generous.
  6. These were the major things that stuck out from your list, Kris. The rest of the changes, I either agree with or don't know/don't care. But these... first of all, what constitutes "high spots" these days? Flair and JBL weren't doing them when they were still wrestling actively, and I hardly think they'd be doing them now. Flair's biggest bump is falling off a ladder, but only from about halfway up typically. He does bleed a lot, but bleeding isn't a high spot. I don't think he deserves it. And JBL doesn't take hardcore bumps anymore and hasn't since he fully got into his rich Texan gimmick. As for Flair, I don't think he deserves an over of 98. He would have if this were like... 1997, but he hasn't really been that "over". He's known around the world, but if you tried putting a world title on him in this day and age, people would laugh and call it ridiculously stupid, and for good reason. That's one thing about over - a wrestler can be popular worldwide, but his role or attributes not fit a title run. The stats changes for JBL seem extremely unnecessary. The guy doesn't wrestle anymore, and it seems silly to want to boost his stats when I doubt he's going to be better NOW after he's been semi-retired for quite a while than compared to when he was world champion. He never deserved 94 in charisma, even in his prime, and certainly not selling of 79.
  7. Thanks for all your hard work with these monthly updates. I honestly don't know how you do it. You've brought a consistency to the updates that nobody before you was able to, so kudos again.

  8. I wanted to cry last night...

  9. I would put AJ's charisma in the mid-80s, like 84 or 85. She does extremely well with her current gimmick and I've never really heard her cut a bad promo or have a bad segment.
  10. http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=2089&name=Cosmo+Soldier According to cage match, Cosmo Soldier should be Japanese instead of American.
  11. Give him some time. These storms were pretty nasty. I'm not sure where Bill lives, but there are people here (in Ohio) are going to be without power till Sunday.
  12. Chael Sonnen: Over: 85 Brawl: 70 Speed: 35 Tech: 80 Stiff: 68 Selling: 75 Charisma: 92 Attitude: 65 Behavior: 35 Tick superstar look, shooting ability, fonz factor, announcer, and trainer Friendship with CM Punk; hatred with Anderson Silva Finishers: Ground N Pound (ground) and Arm Triangle (submission) Sonnen's gimmick could be either legitimate or obnoxious. Anderson Silva: Over: 90 Brawl: 85 Speed: 50 Tech: 75 Stiff: 85 Sell: 50 Charisma: 65 Attitude: 50 Behavior: 70 Tick shooting ability and trainer Hatred with Chael Sonnen Finishers: Front Kick to Face (impact) and Triangle Choke (submission) Silva's gimmick could be Martial Arts. His salary should be pretty high.
  13. I guess I could stand to lower it a few points, lol. Neidhart was pretty awesome on interviews back in the 80s and 90s, though. Very colorful character, The Anvil was. I still have hopes of someday finishing this scenario entirely, but I've been super busy. Thanks for the compliments on what's done.
  14. Heath Slater doesn't deserve charisma higher than 70. The guy barely gets a reaction and his only real heat is because he's annoying, not because he can cut a decent promo. "AH'M THA WUUUN MAAAYYYOOOON BAAAYYYAAAND!" is all he ever says anyway. The guy's a joke. His over shouldn't be higher than 70 either. Even when interrupting superstars who are way more famous and well known, or big segments, he still gets no reaction.
  15. What? Really? Yeah, he got struck down with diabetes. God, that sucks real bad. Maybe he can make a comeback and be an underdog like Zack Gowen.
  16. January 1998, pick ECW and try to topple WWF and WCW.
  17. He's not ready to book a character as complex and multidimensional as Barry Horowitz. He needs to start off with someone a little simpler and less evolved, like Raven or something, until he can master the man who pats himself on the back.
  18. Ehh, I dunno, you might be going overboard on relationships. Sure, Doane is a fan of Ziggler's work, but is the friendship reciprocated? Is there anything from Dolph saying he's friends with Ken? As for Rhodes, I admit I only read one part of what he said about him (that he has a lot of talent and Dusty is a writer, so he'll naturally be a big star) but I saw NOTHING to indicate he dislikes him, unless there was something later in the article (kinda long).
  19. I couldn't agree more with this post, but it's gonna take a lot of work to fix.
  20. Just a question - Should Jimmy Jacobs be renamed Zombie Princess? I'd give Cro Cop a brawl of 69, speed of 15, and tech of 25.
  21. He worked in Pride and or Hustle. The stats make sense being his is an MMA guy. add Ahihiko Inoue as an alter ego for Shadow Phoenix, he revealed that as his name after Trauma II beat him in a mask vs. mask match in Mexico's IWRG. I don't see how they make sense at all. The same way being a good pro wrestler doesn't make someone a good mixed martial artist, being a good MMA guy doesn't make someone a good worker. Did he actually work a match or did he just do an angle? The only video I could find was of him kicking someone in the head. If that is the case, lower his brawl to 63 and speed to 9. That doesn't mean that's all he CAN do, though. I think you're jumping the gun. Cro Cop is a great kickboxer, and I have no idea how well those skills translate into pro wrestling, but just like you shouldn't assume because he's an MMA guy that he's great at pro wrestling as well, you also can't assume that because he's not primarily a pro wrestler that he wouldn't be a good one. He has a variety of crowd-pleasing strikes - axe kicks, head kicks, body kicks, etc. - that he's used in his MMA career that could be carried over into MMA. I don't know how well, admittedly, but I think Mirko would at least put on a decent to good brawl.
  22. The highest paid athlete in the world is currently in prison... Just let that sink in for a minute.

    1. C-MIL
    2. Whtie Dolphin

      Whtie Dolphin

      Has Boxing hit rock bottom from this shit, or has the Pacquiao-Bradley decision revived some interest at least?

  23. At first, I thought maybe Punk had an injury in your game, but surprisingly you're right. I don't get why his speed was lowered either. I would put it at 70. Why the HELL is Del Rio's speed at 71? It should be around 55-57.
  24. The latest WinZIP can also handle .rar files.
  25. add Gillberg back to the WWE NOTE TO EVERYONE: Don't take anything this site says seriously... EVER. http://www.kayfabenews.com/duane-gill-to-portray-ryback-spoof-gillback/ Kayfabe News = Pro Wrestling's "The Onion". It's all fake news articles.
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