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Everything posted by Bigal

  1. "I walked past a cucumber the other day, and it went green with envy!" Genius.
  2. The fuck? No-one hates Guns N Roses. Also The Duke album is great. So are all the Stuck Mojo and Fozzy albums. They're just different styles of music.
  3. I haven't seen Rangers as shit in a long time. That was abysmal. The tactics were messed up; he had no one covering the far side at all really. Haven't been as disappointed in the Gers in ages. But then I went to see Linfield play Armagh, and the former won 5-0, so I'm happy enough now .
  4. It's the first. Dan Akyroyd: "Dickless here shut down the power!" Chief of Police: "Sir, these guys caused a massive explosion!" Mayor: "Is this true?" Bill Murray: "Yes, it is. This man has no dick." I love Bill Murray.
  5. What?! I missed that. I also demand screencaps NOW!
  6. I've been trying to create my own talent file in HM, but it's such a long and tedious process. Does anyone have one they could e-mail to me or direct me to online? Help's appreciated.
  7. Bigal

    Book Thread

    I just finished the Star Wars novel "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter" last night. It was pretty good, set before Phantom Menace. Made Maul a much better character than the movie did. In the next day or two I have two more Star Wars novels "The Joiner King" and "The Unseen Queen", the first two books in the new Dark Nest Trilogy, arriving from Amazon. Supposed to be pretty good, so I'm looking forward to it.
  8. I got Fahrenheit and Star Wars: Battlefront about a month ago. They're both pretty good.
  9. I've only ever seen Annie Hall, but I really enjoyed it. Woody works well in his acting roles, even though he can only ever play one type of character. He's quirky or something, and it just makes his movies all the more entertaining.
  10. Also Sprach Zarathusra, or whatever it's called. It's the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Ric Flair's entrance music. Throw into that pile Four Seasons by Tchaikovsky and Piano Concerto No.1, also by him.
  11. I don't get the non-existent kid joke . Anyone care to explain?
  12. Hah, my San Andreas came on the day of release, along with my MP3 player and the Battle Royale Soundtrack. I love Amazon.co.uk
  13. I didn't understand it either, but no way am I telling Hamster that >_>
  14. I've generally got my games the day before their official release, but GTA: SA arrived the day after. And I was so excited about getting it on the day of release too .
  15. An American remake of Oldboy?! Ack that would actually be the WORST THING EVER! US remakes pretty much all ruin the original films. I can't emphasise that enough. Oldboy was magnificent, as much for it's subtleties and acting performances as the script, filming and action. For a start in a US film there's no way a live octopus would be eaten
  16. Max has went down on my scale ever since he grew those ridiculous sideburns.
  17. I've never seen that before. Fucking awesome. The narrator made it seem all the more realistic.
  18. RPGs - I've always had a pretty fertile imagination, so I appreciated the other-world qualities of games like Final Fantasy VII, Grandia and Breath of Fire III (three of my favourites). I was the only one of my group of mates to like them. Simulation/RTS - Civilization, FM, Tropico and Medieval: Total War all appealed to me, and I think it's because I don't have the reaction times necessary for action-adventure, so I was able to keep up with these games, which made me better at them and I enjoyed them all the more.
  19. Alright, hows about the supposed Lori lookalike at Stu's wedding that looks nothing like Lori aside from being asian? Lori was so hot, she needs to come back and get naked like those pictures she shot.
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