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Everything posted by Vamp

  1. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    That was great fun, I loved the feel of that. The Doctor's reactions to death was a but off, certainly could have doen with the 'ouch', but compared to last week's it was in a different league. I loved the Avenger's reference too, lovely. Reminded me a bit of the Lucifer Box stories too. How comes that hasn't been made into a TV show yet? Mental. Definately in the top few this year, I'm not going to rate them yet because of enxt week's episode but still, I loved this.
  2. I'm late with this but I'm pretty sure Blue Demon is meant to be a technico as much as anyone is in AAA. LA Park's not really much of a technico anyway, he's more "I'm going after this technico" or "I'm going after this rudo." But given that Demon came in against the rudo champion, signed a deal with AAA (rather than allied himself with Konnan I mean), brought in the presumably technico Axel (who seems like he might have a bit of a feud with Daga) and seemed to have a bit of a confrontation with Konnan I'd say he's a technico. Challenging Park's no indication of being a rudo given how Park's never really technico or rudo anyway. I don't think it was mentioned anywhere (I might have missed it) but Park's gone from AAA. He seems to be in TxT if their press conference is anything to go by, although I don't think he's actually appeared at oen of their shows yet (he hinted at a run in but I don't think it actually happened? Might be wrong.)
  3. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Strax is a fantastic character. The TARDIS should contain the Doctor, Jenna in a permanent state of "I've just been in the shower" and Strax.
  4. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I've liked all the other episodes this series, there's been some cracking stuff. That, on the other hand, was just dull filler. There wasn't any tension in for me at all. There were bits I liked, the eye of harmony reference was nice, the voices were nice and the library was cool but that's all there were for me, and everything else was just a bit lifeless. It reminded me of some of the worst bit of series six where the actual episode itself seemed like it'd been sacrificed in order to do some story arc bits.
  5. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    So that was pretty good.
  6. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Isn't it psychic now? So I guess the idea is it pretty much does anything you ask it to. Yeah, I don't like it. It's one of the things Moffat's era seems to have taken to the extreme, I don't know whether that's his idea or just how its fallen but the doctor's constantly waving it around now. The end of that Day of the Moon double parter might be one of the worst incidents where the director had clearly decided that it looked cool when waved around along with the laser gun sfx.
  7. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I really wish they'd find some way of getting rid of that bloody thing again. I suspect they won't because of the toy revenue BBC Worldwide probably gets from it.
  8. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Half Time Lady.
  9. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I find it hilarious that Vamp can say "no, this is definitely true, guys" about something using "it was said once" as his defence, when you can find countless examples of it being made clear, in the series, that's it not true. I don't see how hard it is to grasp that I wasn't being serious. I said there's been tongue in cheek moments, made an obviously sarcastic comment like "I'm being deadly serious" about a show that it isn't remotely possible to be deadly serious about. Yeah, I'm not actually being serious. The Doctor doesn't really have a name, in that no one ever has had any intention to reveal it and no one ever will. Doctor Who is the closest you'll ever get. To be honest serious discussions about his name would be as boring as having a serious plot about it. Why he has hid his name, if indeed he has, is the interesting bit. There's been a bit in other Doctor Who fictions (mainly the books) about it being impossible for human beings to pronounce his name, but obviously their relation to canon (and canon is an equally bollocks thing to talk about when it comes to Who really) is questionable. In fact talking about canon and the name, I always struggle to get my head around the idea that the Master suggests the Doctor chose his name because of the meaning of the world (helping people) and then later River Song explains that Doctor has a different meaning and we get it from him. I know 'timey wimey' but that genuinely hurts my head to think about. Actually as another edit, I also think it'd just be fantastic if he was called Who. It'd be great. If his hidden name wasn't hidden at all and what so many people respond with when he introduces himself and what so many people talking about the show call him. It'd be awesome. And if some of the people who we'd thought had asked "Doctor who?" had actually asked "Doctor Who?"
  10. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Not strictly true, like Benji said there's been tongue in cheek moments. A computer calls him Doctor Who in The War Machines for example. And in German he was called Doktor von Wer, admittedly that's the Doctor of Who but still. I'm pretty sure he's also signed stuff with a question mark.
  11. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Yes, I was being deadly serious. We're never going to find out his name anyway.
  12. How can you talk about Kenneth Williams without mentioning him on Just A Minute? For shame...
  13. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I don't think Amy got a key either did she? She took a key but then the Doctor took it back off her. Which is what made it really odd when he gave Victorian Clara the key so quickly in the Christmas special.
  14. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    While I get what you were saying otherwise, I do like the fact that you've basically rewritten Moffat's 'Who' so that it didn't include love defeating the cybermen or the Doctor constantly waving a magic wand around that seemingly does whatever's needed at all times. I liked bits of this episode. It kinda had an old school feel for much of the episode (although not all the way through), some of the CGI was great, the Vigil were freaky, it was nice to have such an alient society and, of course, Matt Smith pulled it out of the bag with that speech which could have sounded rather forced if not for him. He really is well and truly above the show at this point. It was a bit of a miss but if you're going to have a miss at least let it be colourful I suppose. Next week looks promising, I'm not expecting a great episode but it looks looks pretty solid.
  15. No one said they didn't. Somebody said you can't blame feminism for girls not liking men. And then you said "ah but you should work with female social workers because some women do hate men!" as if somebody had said "No, never in the history of the world has a woman ever hated a man." I think you were trying to have your own argument, I just don't know who with. I hope you win though.
  16. Damn I've just blundered in here and said something stupid without even thinking.
  17. I'm sure Skummy could do this himself but this... And then this... Also in regards to this... I'm dating a feminist at the moment. I presume she doesn't think I'm a 'macho asshole rapeist', or at least it hasn't come up, and I definately have a penis. She seems okay with my penis though. I'm not really sure what my natural desires are meant to be but I haven't changed my behaviour at all. Nor have I killed myself. Or maybe I have. Oooh, spooky. She also hasn't told me I'm evil, which again, I feel might have come up over dinner or something. I'm a feminist but that's not to say I haven't disagreed with some of the feminist critics in my field. I have. I don't however think that female teachers can touch children and male ones can't because I've worked in a child care situation and so I actually know that what you said there is odd and mental. I also know that that's something completely different. I'm genuinely a bit disturbed that anyone thinks feminism is causing men to die (which is essentially what you're trying to say with the suicide bit). Like really disturbed that anyone would try and put that across. In a post-post modern world I could probably find some more sensible reasons.
  18. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Lineker's spoiler, is that even a spoiler anymore? It seems pretty impossible to avoid.
  19. It looks like a Russian player in Kazakhstan has died after a nasty hit. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/russian-forward-dmitri-uchaykin-dies-headshot-kazakhstan-hockey-195922921--nhl.html
  20. Given that actual soldiers are pretty rude and the COD games are all about pretending that you're in a real life war (which sounds pretty shit to me but then maybe that's why I've only ever played them for about half an hour round a friend's house) and its also a bunch of guys pretending to be 'lads' and in a sporting event rather than having fun for a couple of hours I'd say its not surprising. Boring admittedly.
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