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Everything posted by Vamp

  1. I'm not actually. It was reported that he bummed a few notes in the judged dress rehearsal.
  2. Aren't Blue and Andrew Lloyd Webber well known though? Half the reason why we picked Blue is because we thought peopel would know them. Let's be honest, we wouldn't listen to that Hump song in this country (well, you know what I mean) so why would anyone else like it? That's the issue. You can tell from the quality of Sweden's entry that they didn't sit there going "hmm, those funny Europeans will like this", instead they went for awesome. Sweden's victory tells us that the trick is to enter a good song with a good performer. We do need to get rid of the stupid "we didn't win" sulking though. And you're right that we shouldn't just turn to a well known hand. And let's be honest, if you're going to send in an elderly geezer who can't sing all the notes then you do it right and send in Sir Bruce bloody Forsyth.
  3. You know we might actually do better next year if we don't just try and pick an act that *we* think Europe might like. I don't think it's anymore complicated than that. Although presumably next year's song will just be written by Gary Barlowe.
  4. Slightly disagreeing with Pesci and maybe others on something (actually reading through what you said again and maybe I'm not really disagreeing but still, I've written it now):
  5. Vamp


    Such a good chance to do a closer (updated) adaptation of Moonraker. That would have been cheap.
  6. Vamp


    My initial thoughts to that trailer was that there's a hell of a lot of London in it, I didn't know the Joker was in the Bond cannon and no one should be allowed to remix the Bond theme like that.
  7. Yeah, I dunno why they bothered, its only really the Besthesda bitch fans who care as they sulk about how exploits make the game more boring and easier for everyone while taking advantage of said exploits.
  8. You can pick the arrows you use back when you loot the corpse,
  9. For a man that has come back from being thrown into a volcano you seem very worried about shoulder surgery...

    1. Whtie Dolphin

      Whtie Dolphin

      Worried about shoulder surgery? Pfffft....real men no-sell being thrown into a volcano and then fire the volcano for not being able to work WWE style.

  10. Is it me or does the voiceover suggest he's not on either side and then the video just show him dominating endless Redcoats?
  11. Maybe he was making a joke in regards to the negotiations between Cowell and the BBC?
  12. The Bethesda forums seem to be full of people wondering how Skyrim would work with thousands of people playing it. I'm not really sure why since I can't actually see this resembling Skyrim's gameplay much anyway.
  13. This. There's nothing wrong with there being nudity as long as it actually does something.
  14. Vamp

    NHL 12

    I've started playing just a regular season recently and I'm pretty sure my entire first line has been injured for long periods of time, twice. It's only December.
  15. I started reading a Jo Nesbo novel called 'Redbreast' or something but I couldn't get into it. Admtitedly I had a lot of other reading to do round that time but I'm also guessing it's not the right book to start with. Plus I'd read a few contemporary novels that were looking back at the war in a row and was getting quite fed up with it.
  16. Is it a case of these things happen in leagues every now and then but now people are paying more attention because it happened in a big game?
  17. The one good thing about drawing Chicago is at least it's given me time to decide on supporting the Rangers when Chicago goes out.
  18. Hey, our playoff finals take place in a Skydome! And it's actually sold out...
  19. But...but...sex! And sex! And more sex! It'd been at least fifteen minutes since the last sex scene, they couldn't take the risk that the audience might forget it's an 'grown up' show.
  20. I'll enter. Give me an excuse to cheer for someone next time I'm in the only pub in London that shows any NHL.
  21. Well that was mostly shit bar a couple of good one liners and Cassie making an appearance. Actually, shit is an overstatement but still. I know it's HBO so they feel the need to help teenagers with their wanking every week but did we really need that much time dedicated to boring/pointless sex scenes. Just get on with the plot already. And yes, I watched the first series so I know there was quite a bit of sex in that, and I'm not against sex scenes persay but it feels like it just got in the way today.
  22. Slough Jets won their play off game tonight, was pretty fun to watch. What do you mean nobody cares?
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