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Everything posted by Vamp

  1. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    You could watch the Sarah Janes where the Doctors show up I suppose. Just remember that they're designed purely for kids.
  2. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Oh sorry, Tigger, misread.
  3. That trailer's right really, who gives a damn about freaky cat people or really tall lizards? What we want is a Lord of the Rings movie with an Assassin thrown in. Bugger this 'Elder Scrolls' thing.
  4. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I love the fact that Matt's gone in costume and McCoy dresses like that.
  5. People could just accept that the Ducks were fantastic...
  6. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I'm quite tempted by that, they've been broadcasting some of the 8th radio plays this week and they're pretty fun runarounds. Definately an emphasis on comedy but then that's what you'd want with a multi doctor story anyway really.
  7. Vamp

    The Oscars 2013

    To be honest I'm shocked at Skyfall actually getting five nominations. But as much as I do love the film, and do think it's brilliant, it's never going to get a best film nod is it? Havign said that I'm just glad The Dark Knight Rises isn't up for anything since I felt it was overwhelmingly disappointing. I know you haven't said it here, but it saddens me that so many peopel think it's a great film.
  8. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Grr, double post, sorry.
  9. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    Yeah, I'd hate it if they reveal the Doctor's actual name. I'm not a big fan of he Doctor actually getting married (again) but revealing the name would be awful. That's just tampering with a myth that doesn't need to be played about with. That said I certainly don't want something resembling the Cartmel Masterplan either, which is a big pile of wank. I don't want a Doctor who's a God of Time Lords, bugger that. I'm somewhat surprised that with him being the Last of the Time Lords they haven't made a thing of somebody asking him "why do you think the universe kept you?" which I think would add a bit more mystery, but then they shouldn't go any further than that. I haven't been fond of introducing a 'Doctor Who?' arc from the start really. I tend not to like the way Moffat does arcs, I find they're overbearing and ultimately don't have very satifactory conclusions, the latter of which would be fine if they wern't so overbearing to the rest of the plot. The 'Doctor Who?' one has been the worst of the lot so far because it's said so many bloody times. And it's always done in a very "Doctor Who? Eh? Eh? That's the name of the show! Eh? Eh? Ain't that clever? Eh? Eh?" kind of way. And more to the point I don't see how you can conclude it in a satisfying way. You don't want to reveal the Doctor's name, the joy isn't in discovering his backstory and if anything that ruins his character a little,but if you keep building it up and then don't deliver anything of note it's going to fall really flat. But Moffat does have great ideas sometimes, and I've enjoyed his fairytale feel to things so maybe he'll pull something out of the bag. I just want more episodes like the specials really, the Doctor romping around being a guy who's romping around. The plus side with getting rid of the Ponds though is you at least hopefully get the Doctor away from the soap opera stuff. There was soap stuff with RTD but there the Doctor tended to be on the periphery of it, not caring and just wanting to explore the universe. With Moffat he married the kidnapped daughter of his best friend and now appears to be having a bit of a fling with someone else. Hopefully he won't though.
  10. I'm pretty sure Saville's already lost it. I'm sure technically you lose it once you die don't you? That's why I've been confused at people trying to strip Saville of something he doesn't actually have anymore. Since that would seemingly mean you have to drag his corpse out, knight him and then take it away from him. Seems a lot of effort.
  11. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I think it's mostly this, that's certainly what's annoying me about Moffat's 'Who'. Although I find Moff's arcs more annoying than RTD's. While I agree that RTD's process of just using a character mentioning a word was a little lackluster it also meant they didn't overbear the episodes so much. A lot of Moffat's story arcs tend to feel a little overbearing, and seem to get in the way of the standalone episodes, at least that was the case last series. That coupled with the fact that some of his concepts or ideas ultimately don't seem to conclude and just get mentioned a couple of times and then that's that. I suppose things could conclude later, but I'd have preferred the whole 'who blew up the TARDIS' thing to have been answered by now really. It's like when fans say the show is really intelligent now and critics say the show is too intelligent. Neither are right, because what they really mean by intelligent is there's loads of mysteries that never get solved. You either like that or you find it incredibly annoying. The first three or so episodes of this series were fantastic, because they were just fun without any of this arc nonsense. But I really don't see how anyone can get excited for Moffat's builds now. They have far more faith in him to actually deliver on his promises than I do I suppose. I don't hate the show for it, I still like it, but I actually found myself getting annoyed with myself at the end of the Christmas special for thinking "yeah, who cares about that, it isn't going to go anywhere".
  12. I'm under the impression that you just can't book the C-verse shows like actual lucha shows. They just operate under their own logic.
  13. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I'm pretty sure Gold showed some around the time when Tennant's last episode aired.
  14. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I feel sorry for Brian.
  15. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I think it was like a really badly written RTD style script. It had nice moments, and the emotional crux of the episode worked, but the actual plot was pretty crappy.
  16. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    How is it possible to spoof someone so ripe for it and be so utterly shit?
  17. Vamp

    NHL 13

    If its anything like the last game it might be worth playing in Pro and experimenting with the slider settings.
  18. I guess if it's optional than I can see the point of it. I certainly don't think its soemthign the game is missing though. I'd be more encouraged to improve the writing than adding that.
  19. I kinda feel if you're going to enjoy those things than you're probably already doing them. It's immersive stuff for people who want to actually roleplay, making it essential just seeks to alienate some of the gamers, why bother?
  20. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    I don't think this needs to be kept to spoilers... Remembrance is really good fun, well worth a watch. The Happiness Patrol is also worth a watch, it has one of the worst monsters in the series but it's also interesting in how it wears its politics on its sleeves.
  21. Vamp

    Doctor Who

    To be fair the complaints regarding Moffat and the way he writes women mainly came about when he wrote Irene Adler, a character who's whole purpose is that she's better than Sherlock Holmes, and in his adaptation she gets rescued by Sherlock Holmes in a very shoddy conclusion. And the complaints were entirely justified. I think that's what resulted in people looking closer at Moffat's writing of women. I think the main problem is that Moffat's strength isn't in characterisation anyway. To some extent the new companion's first episode, if that does end up being the same character, seemed at an attempt to address those complaints by having her be able to do things the Doctor cannot. Unfortunately the writing, and the way it was delivered, made her sound exactly like River Song, which doesn't help Moffat much. I've seen really misogynistic films, and no Moffat's writing isn't as bad as them, but I wouldn't say that there's no reason behind the complaints nor that looking into the matter further isn't worthwhile. At the end of the day he's one of the most prominent writers in the country right now, and he's the head writer for an incredibly popular family show, if people do feel there's something iffy about his writing when it comes to the portrayal of female characters (and there undoubtedly is in Irene Adler) then it's something that needs to be looked at and, if needs be, he should to be called on it.
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