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Everything posted by TCO

  1. TCO

    FIFA 09

    I'll take Newcastle.
  2. TCO

    FIFA 09

    I'd join a PS3 league too,
  3. The Cool One Console - Playstation 3 Gamertag - Nalareg Superstar - Randy Orton
  4. I just played a Mirrors Edge themed l LBP level, I'm still in awe of it. It's perfect and incredibly detailed, you have to play it.
  5. In theory, iit shouldn't work, with it being first person, but I'm convinced. The demo is all kinds awesome and it's definately on my christmas list.
  6. If you play the Saints/Chargers game in franchise its played in a pretty accurate version of Wembley called London Stadium. So it is in the game, but only for that game.
  7. Yeah, I do and I'd like to have a go iff ut tii. My PSN is Nalareg.
  8. TCO

    FIFA 09

    Anyone want a game on PS3 now? My PSN is Nalareg.
  9. Is the network down for everyone or is it just me?
  10. Once is usually enough, but what the hell lol, Spurs.
  11. Big Daddy V! This game is so much better already, although, he'll probably have an eight-pack in-game.
  12. TCO

    FIFA 09

    Woh wait a second, are you from Cork?
  13. TCO

    FIFA 09

    When I get FIFA and a PS3 in a couple of weeks, I'll gladly be a Centre Half for Team EWB.
  14. I need some advice. Basically my Xbox 360 is dying, it's scratching discs and I've found out the laser is shot and my warranty is over and I don't have too many games I want to keep at the moment anyway, so I'm going to trade the lot in and pay the difference to get a PS3, as I refuse to buy another Xbox. What I want to know is: Which is the best model, in your opinion? What are the main differences between models? Do all models have WiFi built in? Is online 100% free? Im from Ireland, so PAL reigion obviously.
  15. ...I just read that as "the most esoteric part of a woman" If I don't make it through this, tell my wife...hello. 'Sir do you think they're lauching attack?' 'I'm not sure, but my gut says, maybe.' That was an awesome episode
  16. Regarding the diving, I got it to work in the demo 3 times in onr session, but never got it to work once in the full game.
  17. Zoidberg for the win, but Zapp is a close second.
  18. My record in 08 for was 28 and I average around 20 usually, reps are easy. It's the 40 yard dash gets me usually. You can just create your own player anyway beforehand, set his years pro to 0 and 'Play as Rookie' in Superstar and he'll be there.
  19. If someone could throw together a kyky pack of the entire WWE roster, I'd be forever grateful.
  20. Yeah because downloading 2 wrestlers onto a 25 man roster is miles better than having a 60 man roster.
  21. Jets win, Pennington intercepted in the endzone for a touchback.
  22. 20-14 Jets, 1:53 left in the 4th, 4rd and 3 for the Jet on the Jets 20 yard line. No Dolphin time outs left. Exciting stuff
  23. Everyone feels like punching something every once in a while, like losing at home to Derby with Man United after 28 shots while they don't muster even 1 and win with an OG in the 94th minute. If there was someone there I would've punched them
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