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Status Replies posted by Nerf

  1. You shitwads pushed mine off the front page. I fucking hate all of you.

  2. Believe it or not, George isn't at home. Please leave a message at the beep.

  3. Whoever decided to include Richard Herring and Stewart Lee as writers in an EWR scenario deserves a medal.

  4. Can anybody recommend me a modern RTS game ala Knights and Merchants? I'm out of touch with gaming.

  5. Can anybody recommend me a modern RTS game ala Knights and Merchants? I'm out of touch with gaming.

  6. Can anybody recommend me a modern RTS game ala Knights and Merchants? I'm out of touch with gaming.

  7. You should go sign up for the EWB World Cup in the Lounge. Yes, you. I'm talking to you.

  8. For anybody that has PM'd me since July... my inbox was full, unbeknownst to me. If it was anything important, I have room now!

  9. For anybody that has PM'd me since July... my inbox was full, unbeknownst to me. If it was anything important, I have room now!

  10. Need a poster made for a comedy night. Anyone willing?

  11. Need a poster made for a comedy night. Anyone willing?

  12. Finally found out where I know CM Punk's new theme from, it's Stone Cold Steve Austin's Hall of Fame video.

  13. Finally found out where I know CM Punk's new theme from, it's San Andreas

  14. CM Punk speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

  15. the fat bitch who wouldnt stop cheering for jack evans, needs kicking. Hard

  16. EVE-RY-BODY! *clap clap clap*

  17. Finally got my computer fixed. WOO WOO WOO!

  18. I thought Chris Jericho 'doing' Ron Simmons was the best thing I've ever see, until I saw Jim Mitchell 'doing' Sandman.

  19. Sousa is trying to get me over my fear of watching a child being born for whenever it happens for me....I dont know if it's working

  20. Back to the job centre tomorrow. Hooray!

  21. Sousa is trying to get me over my fear of watching a child being born for whenever it happens for me....I dont know if it's working

  22. Do NOT search for Steven Richards on Google Images without Safesearch turned on :(

  23. Just chokeslammed his own nan... :/

  24. Norman Smiley has the best body slams in wrestling

  25. @GA. Looks slightly better, to be honest

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