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Status Updates posted by Synjynpsychobitch

  1. Happy Birthday!! Let the festivities begin. Let's see, 1971 Impala convertible, CHECK. Trannie escorts, CHECK. Copious amounts of drugs and alcohol, CHECK. Lizards....CHECK CHECK!! Mount up Dr. Gonzo. ;)

  2. It was a sneak attack! Surprised to see me lurking?

  3. Fizzums? Who is this Dinah bitch and why are you engaged to her????!!!

  4. Quit being a jealous Ellis. There is blenty love for you too!

  5. I bought no tree this year and I slept with your brother. I wrecked your daddy's car and went down on your mother! Merry Xmas!

  6. I ride the cock daily. It's my only mode of transporation these days!

  7. Happy Birthday Pudd'n. You're full of infinite awesomeness!!!!

  8. I heard they have these new fangled traps for wild packs of random key strokes. You really look that.

  9. You failed! Damn X.....I'm trying to help you here by roleplaying.

  10. You're now unbanned and I never got a chance to hand out all these "Free Hbob" tee shirts I made. :(

  11. No I just have two, but a third nipple would be awesome! Wouldn't it?

  12. Three is a magic number. Oh yes it is! It's a magic number!

  13. I forgot to tell you that I filmed the whole thing! Wanna come over and relive the moment?

  14. *Inserts obligatory kiss ass statement like other board members do*

  15. Remember the time when we got those hookers and they turned out to be trannies, but we did them anyway? Good times.

  16. Every breath you take. Every move you make. Every bond you break, every step you take....I'll be watching you!

  17. None of the others meant anything to me. I swear! You're the only one!!

  18. How dare you stalk me and not leave a message!!!!!!

  19. I have posted before, you just missed it.

  20. Happy Bday my brother from another mother. May you get all you wish and more!

  21. I've been known to step outside my comfort zone. Keep looking, I'm sure a post will pop up soon.

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