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AnnIQ Edison

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Everything posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. Just for anyone wanting to know a bit about him RIP
  2. To put Mr. Deeds over The Waterboy is blasphemy in my books. I'm one who just sees everything as good unless it's really, really bad. I agree with Chuck & Larry but the other three were all very decent. Even Little Nicky when, now thinking back, wasn't that good at all, is still alright movie wise.
  3. I just got XBL and have linked up my GH:III to an account on the site. Do I now just play the game noramlly and it will update itself on the site or what happens now?
  4. I started with Collosus as a playable character at the beginning of the game. As did Moon Kniht now that i think about it. Now that I recently connected to XBL though i have these blue and red locked guys with "Villains" and "Heroes" over them when i go to them. So i dont know if my game is updated and need to get the new packs or what is happeneing now.
  5. How do you use Deadpool right then? I use more of a tank style and just attack and destroy so health and good radial damage stuff helps
  6. Thanks man. Yeah the colour as I said has to do with my scanner not picking up on some of it. I'll post some more when I get some more time
  7. Yep so Deadpool turned out to be shite so I switched him with Iron Man. I also switched up Cage for Colossus. I don't know why but I like him and now that he's leveled some he is pretty good. Human Torch on the other hand, not so much. Wolverine decided to jump into one of those pits in Murder World so he died instantly and I had to switch him up. With GhostMachine saying that Torch was good I put him in and all he did was die in about 5 minutes. I'll stick to my usual team thank you very much.
  8. I draw to pass the time and my ability to produce good drawings varies greatly for some reason. Maybe it's the content I'm drawing, maybe it's my magic hands. Whatever the reason, these are my best pics that I've draw over the years. Rate/Hate/Comment Note: Some are very light as thats how my scanner picked them up A picture from a White Dwarf magazine that I had found in my house Mankind's WWF logo. Shame it's so light. I like this one. I went through a Mask phase and just had to draw him. I beleive this is the best real photo to drawing I've ever done A Warcraft Orc. Looked cool so I decided to draw it Boy from the cover of Fable This image came from a Wizard magazine that covered Captain America's assassination. Now this. This is one I'm proud of. I think It's the greatest picture I've drawn and it does look good. Everything but that index finger. Taken from a Joker pic found on google.
  9. Holy Shit. Those are awesome. I tried to draw that Joker before but i failed miserably. Nice job
  10. I would like to point out one thing to Maxx before i leave this argument and that is that people hoped that Ledger wouldn't get the Joker role because they thought he would be a horrible casting and would show off a weak Joker. Now they come back after TDK and are praising him for an Oscar nomination. Also, a small hint like Mr. Reese that only fan boys will get? Did you see the viral marketing that happened for this movie? I have friends that didn't even know that stuff had existed. Maybe that hint was aimed at the fan boys to get them hyped up once again for the next movie. So don't end up eating your words Maxx. While I agree that a small easter egg like Mr. Reese is a long shot I wouldn't throw myself into the deep end with accusations.
  11. I just bought Marvel: UA today and have played through a bit on easy. This is a pretty enjoyable game but the camera angle is really pissing me off. It's almost like they dont want you to see ahead of yourself. Is there anyway to change the angle? Oh and my team atm is: Wolverine (He Starts in it and he's pretty awesome) Captain America (He started, haven't had a problem with him. Has that sheild throwing move which did wonders against that giant Dragon) Luke Cage (Reading here that he's awesome) Deadpool (I just love this guy all round. If he turns out to be shite I might have to switch him with someone like Iron Man)
  12. I have a friend who is obsessed with RHPS. He knows all the songs and wishes he could be in a stage production of it. I personally like it but I wouldn't rate it high on my list. It's more a movie that HAS to be watched with others or it's not good at all.
  13. I can't remember if it was called Silent Hill?? I beleive there was a game made from it or vice versa. I'm pretty squeemish and this movie turned on and I watch and this woman is getting freakin raped by barbed wire through the vagoo with a little dead girl dancing in the blood. I had to turn it off as I felt sick for a bit after that
  14. Van Canto. Sure they are that metal accapella group that someone posted here but if you find their album anywhere it is pretty solid
  15. I haven't seen Batman yet but hopefully (if I can convince my stupid friends to see it over Get Smart. I know...kill me now) I should be seeing it tomorrow. I think that video says it all and speaks for everyone in the last couple of days
  16. I havent really got into anything yet but I've just seen some caps from his comics. Such beauties as: I beleive this was/is someone's sig at one point. I just want to get me reading some of this.
  17. Can anyone suggest some Deadpool comics for me? I just recently found out about this hilarious title and wish to delve into it
  18. Awesome. I kind of hope Hasbro will release some of that stuff on DVD. Explain. What does Connect Four have to do with TV episodes? Unless there is a Connect Four Cartoon out there that I'm missing?
  19. Oh Come on. How can you not go for this movie. Chi-Wah-Wah!
  20. I havent seen Brendan Frasier is anything in a while. Good to see him back in the blockbuster movies. Always liked him
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