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AnnIQ Edison

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Everything posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. I liked this episode of Community. I felt it dragged a bit in the middle and I really didn't like the random Chang/Pierce friendship but the Blade storyline was great. I love that the trick to being irresistible to women is to have no semblance of shame whatsoever.
  2. AnnIQ Edison

    WWE '12

    I found that editing the Ally/Enemy listing on each roster member fixes that at least a little bit. Try that out.
  3. Community was great. Especially since I had watched a Documentary in that style just the day before. Every single thing was a hit. Amazing. The Changlorious Basterds was the one laugh out loud moment for me.
  4. Battle Royale. It was pretty great. I hadn't seen it before and after reading about all the love it got from this board I decided to finally track it down. While I understand why some people would love it, I just didn't think it was the greatest film to ever grace the movie world. The ending kind of annoyed me. I'd rather have seen one of the three survive instead of them somehow just finding an exploit in the system. Also the way the guy running the show died was ridiculous and cheesy.
  5. According to the reddit thread there's something called 'Harmontown'. I'm not sure exactly what it is but it seems to be a gathering of sorts. The voicemail link does work if you actually go to the reddit thread. It just didn't copy over here.
  6. Ugh. I seriously lose respect for Harmon every time I see or hear about him. That's just a ridiculously rude and petty thing to do, no matter what the reasoning behind it was.
  7. I think he's referencing the final line in #95 of the comic.
  8. That line got a loud "HA!" out of me. Great start episode. Nothing to really complain about. Except I hate Campbell's face. I can't say why, I just want to punch him. That was fine when he was being the whiny little new guy but he's meant to be this junior partner now and I just...can't take him seriously.
  9. AnnIQ Edison

    WWE '12

    I played this years a lot more than other years. I think the Universe mode was what kept me chugging along.
  10. Community was a bit meh for me this week. I enjoyed last week's episode much more. French Stewart playing a look-a-like French Stewart was great though.
  11. I highly doubt the farm lured them in. It shows that they only headed towards the farm because of Carl's gunshot. They probably would have passed it by if he hadn't fired.
  12. Am I the only one that thought the montage at the beginning was showing the Zombie horde collecting since the beginning of Season 1? I thought the Helicopter they saw was the same one that Rick saw at the beginning of Season 1. It would explain how they were still eating that horse.
  13. Nothing to do with the show. Just felt it needed to be posted.
  14. Pretty much my exact reaction. I don't think I've ever screamed out "YES!" while watching a show before.
  15. Community was fun. I think it felt a little underwhelming due to the build up that surrounded it returning. It was nice to see Jim Rash added to the opener.
  16. His answer to how he would like to die in the show was also great.
  17. Well I bought the first compendium but I just can't afford to shell out the amount needed to buy those volumes. Especially when I had about 4 or 5 of them to read. When the second compendium comes out I'll be buying it. So don't you worry bout that.
  18. Yep. Thanks. #78 was the one I just finished.
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