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AnnIQ Edison

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Everything posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. Closer? Also, I saw an Iron Man Xbox Case mod that looked awesome.
  2. I dunno, It seems like this movie needs the others (especially Thor) to work properly but in saying that, I think that's the point. They've essentially said "You need to have seen the movies we put out earlier to understand the basics of what's going on here". The cube has been the focus of the last two movies Marvel released (being Thor and Cap). Going into this without seeing them, with such a strong tie to having had to see them before, seems like you're missing a piece of the puzzle. It's like seeing Episode V of Star Wars and then complaining that you have no idea what the fuck is happening because you haven't seen the movie before that introduces you to all the elements.
  3. What was with the lift at the office after Don sends Megan home? That stuck out as a really weird scene for me.
  4. I tend to be pretty conservative with game buying and most game shop's policy for a grace period of a couple of days to decide whether you like the game has made it a much easier blow. The worst decision I made was Tony Hawk: Underground. I always liked the old TH games and tis one came with a free watch so wth right? Beat it in a day and lost all interest after that. Took it back to EB Games the next day for a refund.
  5. Yeah I bailed after the first one. I wish I hadn't but I didn't know there would be a second. The other movies conditioned me to just wait for one scene.
  6. I know this isn't real but with Whedon talk and Avengers still fresh in my mind, this made me laugh so, so much.
  7. I agree. Pretty much nothing of note happened. When they are sitting around the table I truly though they were only half way through an episode.
  8. I laughed way to hard at "You found my weakness...small knives"
  9. This movie is amazing. I can't believe I was able to stay out of this thread for a week to save myself on the awesome bits. And there were a lot of awesome bits. I'm upset with myself that I couldn't remember the guy in the post credit's sequence but I still geeked out, I just couldn't explain it to my friends.
  10. I also had my first Batman influence be the 90's movies, Burton and Schumacher, where he is only referenced as Batman. Until I got into comics and even until Joker said "The Batman" in The Dark Knight" I just never really heard it.
  11. Which is why I started that with "While I know it's the right way to say it". I just always think "Batman" before I think "The Batman"
  12. While I know it's the right way to say it. "The" Batman is really off putting to read.
  13. "Omni" like omnivore and "bus" however you say the transport system bus.
  14. NFL Street was a great game. I remember being shit at one of the original FIFA Streets when my cousin owned it. I'm going to blame the crappy AI
  15. The advantage this week was that they played it so on the nose that no one could have missed the parody. Some other episodes you can kind of question what they are exactly parodying but this episode was so clear that you just accept it and enjoy.
  16. Yeah that finale is pretty much the most depressing thing ever.
  17. Roger's view of being on LSD was great. I've been loving the humour they've given him this season. I'm glad they didn't go into a "walls melting and colours everywhere" type of effect and instea went with singing bottles and time lapses.
  18. Was she imagining anything in the episode? I didn't pick up on that at all. My view was that she is slowly devolving from the "perfect" girl of season one into one of the boys now. It's like watching a non married version of Campbell's storyline.
  19. I love that film as does one of my friends. The rest of my group hate it and didn't even finish it. I told them that the ending is the whole point. They also didn't finish Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and based their opinion of the movie on this without seeing the ending. I don't really take their opinions on movies very seriously.
  20. Oh god. Community is seriously my favourite show of all time. All the little post editing work like Jeff's Ego Apple and the Chang thought bubbles all led up to this episode. Amazing. Late edit: Also this.
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