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Everything posted by Kaney

  1. Try whipping them into the casket and using your stored finisher.
  2. I got a Randy Orton WWE Top Trumps card with mine. I got that too. The band thing was in the bag, not the game box, so I guess it must be a store promotional thing. Either way, it allows me to be vaguely superior to you lot, even if it is resting neatly at the bottom of the bin >_> I know exactly what you mean. I've just created the exact same copy of the CAW I made in SDvR, and the only difference is the hair. The hair parts look much better, but it's the same useless generic crap we always get. The CAW's look fucking fantastic though, really realistic. I've been messing around in exhibition, and the gameplay is alright, but am I the only one who thinks the camera is a little too close to the action? Maybe it's just newness but it's gonna take ages to get used to
  3. I have played it, but I didn't like it. I sucked at it, but it didn't really seem all that special to me :\ Goldeneye is still one of the best FPS shooters ever though.
  4. Did anyone else get a luminous green John Cena armwrist band thing when they bought the game? >_>
  5. Bah. Fuck my dad. I was supposed to be getting my thirty quid off him today to buy this, and I only ended up with a fiver Since I probably won't get it for a while, is there any noticable improvements to the moves me and Kliq were talking about? Or any new moves at all, for that matter?
  6. Matzat getting a Smackdown game = the first sign of the apocalypse?
  7. Ack. I forgot there was XBox versions, but you know what I meant. Next-Gen, whatever.
  8. If you mean Plisken, then no, not as far as I'm aware. It was just a nod to Snake Plissken from Escape From LA. Iroquois Plisken translates into Snake somehow, if I remember right, so you could attach the name to Big Boss, since he was Naked Snake, but eh.
  9. I have to say, as good a game as it is, Vice City is the worst GTA I've played. Except maybe London. There's no way it should have been that high, it's just too bland compared to the other PS2-gen GTA games. *sheepishly raises hand* What? Technically, I got it for christmas, so I'm not AS sad as some other people >_>
  10. I was going to mention that, but apparently I'm 'following Benji around' now. Anway, I've had my Gamecube for about a year now, and the only remotely kiddie game I've played is Pokemon Colloseum. All five GC games that I actually own are at least 18+, only one is 15+. I've never played XBox, but Gamecube is far from being a kiddies console. It's just a stupid stigma that it's been stuck with. In any case, I'd go with waiting for the next gen consoles, as everyone else says. I'd tell you how silly it is to buy the XBox when the 360 is literally right around the corner, but my older brother is doing the exact same thing >_>
  11. Boo, RE4 is top ten material! Good to see it on the list though. Is it wrong that I haven't played half of the games up so far? >_>
  12. My consoles are set up next to my PC, so I usually have something playing whilst I'm signed into MSN or whatever. I don't spend all day fucking around with games, but I get to play pretty regularly, yeah.
  13. Oh, I wouldn't expect anything else. I just found it humourous when they mentioned they had an alternate ending for a film where the original ending is a forgone conclusion
  14. I know, who'd have guessed that the ship sank? Gee, thanks for the Spoiler warnings Don't worry RW, I saw an advert this morning about a remastered DVD coming out. There's also an alternate ending, which is rather mind boggling. So it's not really spoilers >_>
  15. Eh. 200 odd quid for a PS2, three games, two control pads and a memory card. It was a Christmas or two after the launch, so it's not too bad, I guess.
  16. Hah, my San Andreas came on the day of release, along with my MP3 player and the Battle Royale Soundtrack. I love Amazon.co.uk
  17. I didn't understand it either, but no way am I telling Hamster that >_> Pacino? Really? I can't remember him in it. Are we talking about the same film, Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke?
  18. Not as far as I know. Tag teams were shit in the first SDvR, if the first person you choose has say 80 ovr then the partner has to be within a set range, like 75-85. They said they've done away with it, so I guess this is the replacement. I might be seeing things here, but is that CAWs legs actually resting on top of the bottom rope? If so then wow, I thought they'd forget about proper collision detection
  19. Resident Evil 4 is awesome. I haven't played Soul Blade since the first one, so I dunno how good it is, but RE4's one of the best action games on the market right now. Even if you want multiplayer, there's nothing funnier or more intense than trying to beat your friends score on Mercenaries.
  20. - Resident Evil 4 (5) - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2) - Metal Gear Solid(3)
  21. Ah, right sorry. I get what you mean now. That is better than my idea
  22. Kaney

    Best Episodes?

  23. Kaney

    Best Episodes?

    Bwahahaha. That almost outdoes the hilarity of seeing Rodney and Delboy run through the streets dressed as Batman and Robin. My favourite though is the one where Damian is born. The whole devil-link thing going on in Rodney's head is genius. "It's a boy!" "Does he have three numbers on the back of his head?" "This isn't the bloody lottery Rodney!" Other than OFAH, you have Father Ted. All of the episodes. Absolute genuis, not one failed to crack me up. The one in Season one where Father Jack died was the absolute best though.
  24. And here's me thinking overrated games were those who get unjustifiable praise. Golly.
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