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Everything posted by triplexpac

  1. My brother ordered a ps2 cover today. (You can get them at http://www.ps2cover.com/ ). They allow you to play your backed up ps2 games. I was just wondering if anyone has tried them before? One of my brothers friends has it, and he says it works great... I was just curious if anyone else here has tried them. The Swap Magic disc that comes with it says that it allows you to run programs and such off a USB device, which sounds cool. I also saw a SNES emulator for the ps2 found here: http://snes-station.gamebase.ca/index.htm I'm not sure how well it works, or if it even works with the Swap Magic disc. Anyone have any experience with this stuff?
  2. The PS1 version wasn't awful or anything.. it just had some load times, which was annoying. I think the sounds were a little different too, that took a bit of getting used to. But really, if it's all you can find, pick it up. It's way better than most rpg's made these days.
  3. Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite RPGs of all time. The sequel really dissapointed me, however.
  4. I just find it totally random, which for some reason is good. I have about £360,000 and I've always wanted to unlock her, so that gives me more reason to play the game. Considering I've had the game for 2/3 years now and STILL haven't unlocked anything, I'm strangely happy about it. ←
  5. Where's the best place to get all these mods? There's a bunch of Morrowind Mod sites on google, I don't feel like digging through them all to find the best stuff.
  6. I just started playing this... it's pretty okay so far. The character models are really ugly for the most part though, and the walking speed is sooooo slow. I imagine it will speed up once you power up your speed skill, but still...
  7. I liked the episode of Angel where Gunn sells his soul (or whatever) for all that lawyer intelligence. It was a great way to extend his character, who was getting a little boring. Plus, the parts when he's in that weird Suburbian hell are gold.
  8. I loved the episode of Buffy where they all had to face their fears. Xander vs the Clown was just awesome. I also liked the first episode of the season where Buffy was dead. The scooby gang slaying on their own gave me an 'x-men' vibe, with Willow giving the gang directions through her psychic power magic (or whatever it's called).
  9. One of my favorite Buffy moments: When Xander & Cordy hook up. Xander is the man!
  10. Finally, a thread I can jump into. - I was a fan of Angel's "I don't give a fuck" phase as well. Very badass. - I loved, LOVED, the "Awakening" and "Soulless" episodes in Season 4. It just blew me away, the first time I saw them... I didn't know what to think when Angel beat the Beast, then WHAM. You find out it was all a dream and he actually lost his soul. Angelous in the next episode is just so Hannibal-esque evil, I love it. - Also in Season 4, I found the way that the big bad chick (I'm forgetting her name right now) made everyone around her happy. It was surreal. - At the end of Season 2, when Lindsay makes his choice: he sells his soul for good (or so it seems), and stays with Wolfram & Hart. Those are just a few of my favorites anyways. Angel in general was just such a great show. Maybe some of the swerves and stuff were predictable, but I set my mind to not think ahead... so I was shocked by pretty much all the "end of episode swerves". I'll get into Buffy later.
  11. triplexpac


    A review of the beta would be cool, I agree. I'd like something to tide me over until the release, anyways.
  12. I guess I'll put **spoilers** for anyone who hasn't gotten around to watching 24 season 1 yet. I just finished the dvd set, so there may be others out there like me, just watching it for the first time now... Anyways, the finale of 24 season 1 was pretty sad. First, seeing how hearing about his daughter dying messed Jack up, and then at the end when his wife dies. It was all so emotional :'(
  13. triplexpac


    Dear god, another freaking beta phase? I could have sworn he said this was the last one.
  14. Only reason I think it's not needed is that I don't believe all the dance/techno DJ's get permission for all the samples they use, as it'd be bloody hard going. ←
  15. I recommend Starry-Eyed Surprise by Crazy Town & Paul Oakenfold And my god, Summer Girls has the stupidest lyrics.
  16. Any word on if NHL 2006 will have a career mode like this? Probably not, since the game always seems to be 2 years behind Madden.
  17. triplexpac


    KCC, could you upload the beta for us? >_>
  18. triplexpac


    It probably won't be better than EWR... but it does have a lot of features that EWR doesn't have. To me it seems like a middle ground between EWR and TEW, so it could be a fun game. I'm just sick of EWR, so I'm looking forward to something new.
  19. That sounds pretty wild. It makes the MLB 2006 career mode I'm playing now crap! *sigh*
  20. triplexpac


    I wish you didn't have to sign up to play the beta. I never got around to doing that.
  21. triplexpac


    I'm not bothering to get my hopes up for the game to be released anytime soon. Things have gone wrong in the past with this game, so it's possible there will be more delays. I'm not saying it won't be released... I hope it is released, and soon. I'm just not getting my hopes up. Edit: It's weird that the site went down. Maybe Strife hasn't been paying his bills?
  22. triplexpac


    Last time I checked they were wrapping up the beta work... so hopefully it will be released soon. I've been following the game for a while now.
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