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Everything posted by triplexpac

  1. No Scrubs? Boourns I say. Boourns.
  2. Damn, they teased me with a Final Fantasy VII remake Oh well.
  3. Simpsons was pretty funny tonight. "Why are you wearing shorts in the bath?" "So I don't see my shrinky dink!" "That... makes sense..." I didn't get to see Family Guy & AD though... stupid Global showing Survivor instead.
  4. I'm finding this season to be so over the top, it's almost painful to watch. Not to mention half the plot twists are pretty predictable. I stopped watching it halfway through the season, then started again now (since I moved back home, I have 5 channels). On the other hand, I've also been watching Gilmore Girls lately. I find that show easily 10 times better than the OC.
  5. I've been playing this hack for Final Fantasy VI. It's called Final Fantasy: The Eternal Crystals. It's pretty cool, they make the storyline and characters more like a traditional Final Fantasy story, complete with Crystals, Dragoons and Dark Knights. I give it 8/10
  6. I haven't been too blown away by BYOB or Cigaro, but I'm still looking forward to this album. Not as much as the new NIN, but I'll still check it out.
  7. His name is Ollie Williams. Jeez shamps, what are you, racist?! ←
  8. I've been playing NHL 2005 a lot more lately, and I'm having a lot of fun. I've finally figured out how to set up plays and such, and it's making the game a lot better than I first thought. Plus the graphics are just so sweet... I love seeing the players on the ice, and recognizing them from their faces. I'd really like more depth and stuff in the Dynasty mode though. After playing Madden 2005, I'm dissapointed by the PC version of NHL 2005. Hopefully they can step up the Dynasty mode a lot in 2006.
  9. Hey, they might as well do SOMETHING creative, considering they steal everyone else's music. ←
  10. You want THPS punk? Check out Rise Against, The Used, stuff like that.
  11. I've liked most of Adidas' "Impossible is Nothing" Campaign. It's quite cool.
  12. Well, sometimes bands release two different videos. I don't know if one is just a cheap lead-in, to have something on the air while they work on their big budget video, or if that different countries have different videos. But yeah, for example, Papa Roach's song "Scars" had two totally different videos.
  13. Does it have lots of that yelling guy? He really annoyed me.
  14. I bought Dark Angel too :thumbsup: Might get Buffy later. ←
  15. Hopefully they have these deals where I am... I might have to pick up Dark Angel.
  16. X-Men Legends - 7/10 NHL 2K5 - 8/10 Timesplitters 3 - 7/10
  17. I learned that the hard way with my ps2, pretty much bought it as soon as it was released. And then it shit the bed on me. ←
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