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Everything posted by Fitzy

  1. Three Days Grace's self titled CD. I wasn't expecting every song to be good, but surprisingly, they all are. Good band.
  2. I saw Scary Movie 3 - 2/10 Wow, did that suck or what?
  3. His character's name was Derek Vinyard. I have to agree. I don't think anyone could have pulled that role off like he did. He did an amazing job in that movie.
  4. Fitzy

    Tough Crowd

    I only watch when Jim Norton is on the show. I use to listen to Opie and Anthony and he was a regular on that show. Very funny guy.
  5. Crossfade - Cold Breaking Benjamin - So Cold Seether featuring Amy Lee - Broken Soil - Redefine Sloth - Dead Generation
  6. Are you seriously stupid? Do you go into every thread on this board and troll in it? The fact that he actually hit the kid, ad then refused to say he was wrong is all that needs to be said. You are a moron.
  7. John Ruiz is a boring fighter. Even as a hometown fighter, I still cannot like him. He sucks in the ring. Worst champion they have.
  8. "The History of Rock" CD from Kid Rock and the other one following that. I forget what it was. But those two CDs just sucked. Kid Rock only produced one good CD, and that was "Devil Without a Cause."
  9. Along Came Polly 6/10 An alright move, some funny parts, but wasn't that good.
  10. The new series flopped, big time. It was cancelled after like four or five shows. And they made them openly gay. Everyone had figured they were in the original, but in the new one, they were gay. They don't play the new ones anymore, but they play the original ones and call them remastered, at like 2 in the morning on Spike TV. I watched them recently, and caught two of my favorite ones from years ago. The one with Stimpy's cousin Sphen (is that the correct spelling?) and the Haunted Mansion one with that talking fart. But after watching them, like Cloudy said, they are not even funny anymore. But I got to agree, Rocko's Modern Life was much better than Ren and Stimpy. The food store one was my favorite of all time. I loved that episode.
  11. I thought it was a really good episode. Shane pulling a gun on Lem was strange, and showed Shane only cares about the money, though, and not about there safety and shit like that. The thing with Tavon was good. I am surprised Lem went through with that whole deal, especially due to the tension between him and Shane, but I kind of figured he'd pull through for the team and keep them together. But it looks like it isn't for much longer, due to what they showed in the previews for next week. Next weeks is going to be an awesome finale. I can't wait.
  12. I haven't played Chips Challenge in a while. I just checked, and the last stage I got to was 37. But the best Windows Entertainment Pack game certainly has to be JezzBall. That game is aweosme. My top score is 186,091.
  13. I watched Office Space again. Always great to watch this movie. Never gets old or unfunny. 9/10 And I watched Meltdown (FX original movie). Decent enough. 5/10.
  14. This is not in order of my favorite. I will just list them as I think of them. Vic Mackey - The Shield Jimmy Hughes - Yes, Dear Peter Griffin - Family Guy Arthur Spooner - King of Queens Frank Costanza - Seinfeld Sean Finnerty - Grounded For Life Walt Finnerty - Grounded For Life Bill Miller - Still Standing Sandy Cohen - The O.C. David Creegan - Touching Evil Kevin Hunter - Street Time I have eleven listed. But that's alright.
  15. This man is a genius. B) Really, people in music sample other people's music all the time. WHO REALLY CARES! Get over it. It happens in everything. Deal with it.
  16. First you thought Godsmack "plagarised" Alice in Chains (when in fact they just took the name from a song) and now you think Creed "plagarised" Pearl Jam. How the hell does that come about? I listen to Creed and I don't really see a connecting or "plagarism" at all. :/ Unless they really plagarised Pearl Jam and I haven't heard of it. :shrugs shoulders: Oh well. But my point still exists. You think everyone copies your favorite bands. And I agree with what Tristy said below. Pearl Jam is overrated. Not a great band at all.
  17. The Fugitive - **** I love this move. Excellent stuff.
  18. My mom called three times in five minutes to vote for Diana and got through all three times on the same phone ... so your post makes no sense.
  19. I have to say, Biggz has made the best one so far. Each and every band he listed is good, so it is one I'd attend, with Saturday being the better one. I'll only have one day. Main Stage: Main Stage Headliners: Korn Godsmack Disturbed Saliva Main Stage Opening Act: Linkin Park Second Stage: Second Stage Headliners: Flaw Drowning Pool Crossfade Soil Second Stage Opening Act: Breaking Benjamin Edit: Included Saliva as a main stage act following Linkin Park.
  20. Greg the Bunny was really funny. I hated to see that go. Tardy the Turtle was the best character. "I'm singing the quiet song." Just an awesome show. And while we are at it talking about shows to bring back. John Doe really should be. What a tramendous show that was. Fastlane, too.
  21. You do understand that 65 million people DID NOT watch the show? 65 million DIFFERENT people did not vote. People can vote for as many times as they want. They could sit there for hours at a time and continue to vote. And that is normally how it is done. Last I checked, they were only getting ratings in the 9's. Which is good for Fox, but 65 million people did not watch the show. So don't expect to see some kind of gigantic rating for the show because of that number.
  22. He screamed, but it wasn't a whole lot. But I don't recall seeing him pass out. Maybe I just missed it. But I guess if that did happen, that would explain why he didn't show a whole lot of pain and scream a lot.
  23. I was wondering what your thoughts on this finale was? I thought it was alright. Nothing special. It wasn't this blow away show that I was hoping for, but it was still a good one. President Palmer stepping down was expected. I don't like that Tony won't be back next season. I liked his character. Michelle, according to recent reports, might not be back either, which isn't major, but I liked her character. Only sensible female on the show. Not a whole lot of pain was shown by Chase when he got his arm chopped off. Don't you think by getting your arm chopped off that you should be in tramendous pain? ANd also, from the time they made that cut and then moments later they were right in a hospital, under surgery already. Seemed way too fast. But I liked the show. Thoughts?
  24. I think Maxx is British, so I doubt it. Though, I am sure more place than just BCN have their own river raves?
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