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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Well, I didn't THINK I could. However, I sliced the layout over in Photoshop, this time a bit more... methodically. And then I opened up Notepad and, well, did it. The broken version that I did earlier is still online, as that's not where the actual website is being hosted (it is merely where I upload worthless files). Anyways, the version I did from semi-scratch (using the HTML created by Photoshop as a base), is working perfectly. I'm really gonna put more time into learning how to use HTML entirely, instead of knowing how to use it in junction with FrontPage.
  2. I know it is. I'm normally a Front Page man. But alas, I've misplaced my install discs. I'm switching between like four fucking HTML/WYSIWYG editors. >_< Fix it for me and I'd bare your love child. >_>
  3. So, uh, any ideas why this is a Firefox exclusive problem?
  4. That break is supposed to be there. Here is what I see in Firefox: Nobody else sees that? If not, anybody have any suggestions on why it's doing it to me alone?
  5. So it works fine in every browser, sans Firefox? Fuck. Firefox: Proving That Even Perfection Is Imperfect. >_<
  6. Here. Disregard the... lack of words. I just typed jibberish to get the point across.
  7. Whoops. I'm having a different problem then what I thought I was, because I'm stupid. >_< Okay. I've got some sort of problem going on here. In IE my page looks fine. Perfect. But in Firefox, when I type a paragraph worth of text, without linebreaks, it skips a line between each line of the paragraph. This distorts my layout, and even if it didn't it would still look ugly. Help?
  8. Alright. I want to make it so that when I'm typing something in the content portion of my website, and I press the Enter key, it doesn't skip a line. I want it do this:
  9. I'm looking for a tutorial. I've searched Google for it, but keep finding links to like Photoshop newsletters and stuff. I want to make what looks like the front page of a newspaper, with faded, yellowed paper and such. And then perhaps even use photomanipulation to put the "front page" onto a real folded image of a newspaper. Can anybody link me to a good tutorial for making a pseudo-newspaper, or perhaps *smiles at Doc and Keith* write on up?
  10. 1.) Soundgarden 2.) Tool 3.) Audioslave 4.) A Perfect Circle 5.) Nine Inch Nails 6.) Radiohead 7.) Red Hot Chili Peppers 8.) Incubus 9.) System of a Down 10.) Rage Against The Machine
  11. I like: -Soundgarden -Audioslave -Temple of the Dog -Chris Cornell -Tool -A Perfect Circle -Nine Inch Nails -Incubus -Red Hot Chili Peppers -Foo Fighters -Alice In Chains -Pearl Jam -Nirvana -Goo Goo Dolls -Candlebox -The Mars Volta -Jeff Buckley -Rage Against The Machine -Thornley -System of a Down -Dimmu Borgir -Lamb of God -Killswitch Engage -Fozzy -The Beatles -The Who -The Doors Those are just a few of my favorites. Yeah, anyways, name some bands that I would probably like because I like bands from the aforementioned. I also need some suggestions of politically inspired rap music. It doesn't matter who does it, as long as it's good. EDIT - Don't hold back with your suggestions. I've gotten a new computer with 80GB of hard drive space (as opposed to the 19GB I was used to), and as such am willing to download just about anything.
  12. Since you like Soundgarden/Temple of the Dog, you could try the band Thornley. They sound a pretty good deal like Soundgarden/Audioslave. Which reminds me, you could of course try Audioslave, if you've been stuck behind a rock and haven't heard of them. And Chris Cornell (the singer from SG/Audioslave) has a solo record, but you may not like it, it's very... singer/songwriter. If you do like it, get some Jeff Buckley. And since you like Rage Against The Machine, get some Future Leaders Of The World. It's Rage Against The Machine meets Nirvana. "4 Sale", "Let Me Out", "Your Gov't Loves You", and "Unite" are all good. Also, get some Nine Inch Nails. "Head Like A Hole", "The Hand That Feeds", "Every Day Is Exactly The Same", and "Closer" all come to my mind immediately as great songs. And some Tool (Sober, Aenema, Parabola, The Grudge, Eulogy are all good), and A Perfect Circle (Passive, Judith, Imagine, The Hollow, The Outsider, Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum all rule). I also suggest Candlebox (a post-Grunge group from the mid 90s) and Velvet Revolver (if you don't know, Revolver is the singer from Stone Temple Pilots plus the instrumentals from GnR).
  13. Dr. Rated-R


    Okay, a friend of mine who's a bit of a movie buff linked me to this. It's a page on IMDB for a movie set to be released in 2006, written and directed by Sylvester Stallone. The movie is about the life of famed author of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. Now, I know that you shouldn't bash something before you have a reason to, but Jesus Christ. If somebody, ANYBODY, was to do a movie about one of my favorite authors, couldn't it be ANYBODY but SYLVESTER STALLONE? BTW, Robert Downey Jr.'s set to play Poe. It would've been so much more awesome if he were played by Johnny Depp. Just... because. Ugh. >_<
  14. Ordered Chris Cornell's Euphoria Morning (factory sealed) and Soundgarden's Down on the Upside (used, excellent condition with original casing and booklet) from eBay. Euphoria Morning was $9.98 after shipping, and Down on the Upside was $6.98. Overall, I think I did okay. Down on the Upside's not Soundgarden's greatest, but it's not bad at all, was cheap and is one of only three of their LPs that I don't have. And Euphoria Morning is just... one long orgasm.
  15. Team America: World Police. Bar none.
  16. Temple of the Dog was, in retrospect, an excellent example of the type of band that should be in this thread. I mean, it was pretty much just a portion of Soundgarden meets the guys who would go on to form Pearl Jam. If that's not a supergroup, I don't know what is. I particularly love "Wooden Jesus". "Hungerstrike" is good, too. If I could create a dream band, right now... it would be the lineup of Audioslave, with Cornell sharing vocal duties with Maynard James Keenan. I firmly feel that Cornell is my favorite vocallist ever, and Maynard is right behind him.
  17. When I 1st saw that, I thought "What the fuck is this?" And didn't watch it. Now I see Gary Busey on Celebrity Fit Club and realize that that show was probably halarious. ←
  18. 1.) Soundgarden. 2.) Tool. 3.) Incubus. The first two are set in stone, nobody will ever dethrone Soundgarden as my favorite band, or Tool as runner up. However, the third one often fluctuates between Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System of a Down, Nine Inch Nails, and of course, Audioslave.
  19. Dr. Rated-R


    Jesus H Christ, what an awesome show this is. Stella is SO amazing, and easily the best new show I've seen in ages. God, I hope Comedy Central keeps this one -- they keep giving up on the better new shows. If they wind up trashing Stella and keeping Mind of Mencia... then they're retarded. Anyways, what are your opinions on this new series?
  20. My last read was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I got it via US Postal Service on the morning of the US release. I locked myself up in my room and read it straight through without stopping to eat or sleep. I think I may have went to the bathroom twice, though. Great book, in my opinion. I've yet to articulate which of the series is my favorite, but I know that it's either GoF, OotP, or HBP. Before that, I reread through the first five books in the series twice. It's sort of a tradition for me, that I've been doing since the weeks leading up to the release of book four. Tomorrow, I plan to start rereading the series again. And then I'll probably dust off my copy of the LotR trilogy. If you've yet to notice, I'm one of those diehard, over analytical Potter obsessive's that rereads the book constantly.
  21. Format: GIF Dimensions: 650w x 400h Size: 255.4K Images: 8 Settings: Selective, 256 Colors, 100% Diffusion Dither, Transparency on, No Transparency Dither, Non-Interlaced, 0% Web Snap <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>splash</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <!-- ImageReady Preload Script (splash.html) --> <script TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function newImage(arg) { if (document.images) { rslt = new Image(); rslt.src = arg; return rslt; } } function changeImages() { if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) { for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) { document[changeImages.arguments[i]].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1]; } } } var preloadFlag = false; function preloadImages() { if (document.images) { splash_bottom_over = newImage("images/splash_bottom-over.gif"); splash_bottom_over007 = newImage("images/splash_bottom-over-07.gif"); preloadFlag = true; } } // --> </SCRIPT> <!-- End Preload Script --> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 ONLOAD="preloadImages();"> <!-- ImageReady Slices (splash.html) --> <TABLE WIDTH=650 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="images/splash_01.gif" WIDTH=650 HEIGHT=259 ALT=""></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="images/splash_02.gif" WIDTH=449 HEIGHT=141 ALT=""></TD> <TD> <A HREF="#" ONMOUSEOVER="changeImages('splash_bottom', 'images/splash_bottom-over.gif'); return true;" ONMOUSEOUT="changeImages('splash_bottom', 'images/splash_bottom.gif'); return true;"> <IMG NAME="splash_bottom" SRC="images/splash_bottom.gif" WIDTH=199 HEIGHT=69 BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#splash_bottom_Map"></A></TD> <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="images/splash_04.gif" WIDTH=2 HEIGHT=141 ALT=""></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="#" ONMOUSEOVER="changeImages('splash_bottom006', 'images/splash_bottom-over-07.gif'); return true;" ONMOUSEOUT="changeImages('splash_bottom006', 'images/splash_bottom-06.gif'); return true;"> <IMG NAME="splash_bottom006" SRC="images/splash_bottom-06.gif" WIDTH=199 HEIGHT=70 BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#splash_bottom006_Map"></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="images/splash_06.gif" WIDTH=199 HEIGHT=2 ALT=""></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <MAP NAME="splash_bottom_Map"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="3,3,195,66" HREF="index2.html"> </MAP> <MAP NAME="splash_bottom006_Map"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="3,3,195,66" HREF="/forums/index.php"> </MAP> <!-- End ImageReady Slices --> </BODY> </HTML> Can you give me any insight as to why the above code doesn't work properly in Firefox? I made an entrance splash for a friends new website, and I did the layer-based roll overs or whatever in Image Ready 7, and then previewed it all in IE and Firefox. In Internet Explorer, the roll overs work as they should, and look rather sexy. However, in Firefox... they don't function as they should. When I bring my mouse over either of the two spots where the roll overs should appear, it looks right for just a second, but then cuts back to the way it looked before I put the mouse over it. The code above is the exact code, as taken from the Firefox preview I did using ImageReady. And I know NOTHING about making roll overs or image maps or anything on my own, so I dunno if anything needs fixed in the code or not.
  22. I vote for A Sham's second set as well. I guess we'll just have to wait for Johnny/DBD to confirm.
  23. Choice B sounds great. Oh, and DBD, I've got dibs on the 1st Audioslave disk.
  24. DBD, I plan to pwn you. I feel you deserve this pwnage, for you have almost-sorta-kinda stolen my avatar. ...anyways, somebody rule us up. If I don't do my entry tonight, I'll probably forget all about it in the morning because of that damned Harry Potter and his sexiness.
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