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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Artist/ Band: Soundgarden Are you male or female: Spoonman Describe yourself: Nothing to Say How do some people feel about you: Cold Bitch Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Burden in My Hand Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Loud Love Describe where you are: Somewhere Describe where you want to be: Room A Thousand Years Wide Describe what you want to be: Rhinosaur Describe how you live: Bootcamp Describe how you love: Get on the Snake Share a few words of wisdom: Blow up the Outside World
  2. I've heard a good deal of his work, my parents own hundreds of country albums. My mom heard about this on the radio this morning, and she was choked up. I'm not that much of a country fan, but I enjoyed his work. Rest in peace.
  3. My cable was out. I missed it. :'( Hopefully they'll play it over tonight.
  4. This is probably my favorite one in recent memory, done on DOR between two CAWs from tunski.com (the best DOR CAWs available are here, I swear it.) It was Paul London (me) vs Abyss (CPU) in an HIAC. It was a brutal battle fought out on Hard in the Survivor Series arena, which of course meant that the ambulance and the pit from the Buried Alive match would come into play. They did, as I took a choke slam from the Ambulance by Abyss followed up with a 5-Star Frog Splash, and of course we battled around in the pit for a while, which is where I hit my Momentum Shift, the Sweet Chin Music. Fast-forward to a few minutes later, on top of the HIAC. Abyss suplexes me onto one of the weak parts of the cell, and I DDT him onto it, meaning that it was ready to crash through. I go to do my back special (again, the Sweet Chin Music) and he catches my leg, spins me around Austin/HBK style, and goes for a Choke Slam (a strong grapple of his.) I block it, Irish Whip him, pull him back and Drop Toe Hold him through the cell to the ring below, and landing it perfectly, as I didn't go through with him. After a second of holding his back, he rolls onto his front, allowing me to jump off of the cell and nail the Shooting Star Press~! I remember forgetting to change the time limit, and the match ending with like three minutes left of the original thirty.
  5. Anime: I watched the series until after Ash obtained the original set of badges, and then just kind of quit. It wasn't all that great, if my memory serves me correctly. Gameboy Games: Excellent. My fondest memory of them was having my parents buy me Gold and Silver with a GBC for Christmas, and then playing it without turning it off once until the batteries died. Gameboy Advance Games: I love the fact that they're better looking than ever and have a lot more depth and features and whatnot than they did on the Gameboy Color, but similarly to Stokerino, I never fully acknowledged the new Pokemon after G/S/C. 'Cube Games: Haven't gotten to play them yet, but I really want to give that one a go, the one that's similar to the N64 games. DS Games: I guess they'll be good. I haven't even so much as seen a DS yet though. Movies: I watched the first one, but that's it. Looking back, my fondest memory was the card (Mewtwo, IIRC) that came with your ticket purchase (if you were obsessed enough to get there in time), as I was a hardcore TCG fan. Not now, as nobody else plays it. I still play the TCG for GBC, though.
  6. There was a Futurama game? For what system? What was it called? ←
  7. I loved the CAW mode in Warzone. I kept saying to myself.."if only the WWF would get THQ to do their games..." I don't even think I ever pulled off a finisher...I think I just used a boston crab. Still, good concept, crappy development. Acclaim did those two games, right? And if they did, didn't they use the same engine for the ECW game? ←
  8. I applied for your label Maxx, as Soundslave -- a Louisville, KY based Grunge band, with a DJ added into the lineup, just for kicks.
  9. Here are a few: Temple of the Dog - Reach Down (11:09) Greenday - Jesus of Suburbia (9:08) Soundgarden - Like Suicide (7:01) Black Sabbath - War Pigs (7:57)
  10. Larry's the only poor comedian of the four, in my opinion. His jokes are subpar, and that stupid, phony accent, and the character he does altogether, fucking blows. As was already mentioned, he's accomplished nothing with it but further stereotyping southern people. Foxworthy is decent but far too popular (at least where I come from), while I've always equally enjoyed White and Engval. Both of the movies were moderately entertaining, in my opinion. But yeah, none of these guys are anything special, on any given Friday night you can find better stand up on Comedy Central. EDIT - While I admit that Larry is the worst, I do think that the funniest quote of the BCCT series was his doing. Larry: "Hey, tell 'em about that thing that ya did that time in the place." (or something like that) White: "He just ended a sentence with 9 prepositions." Foxworthy (or was it Engval?): "Yeah, he's an over-achiever." Larry: "Well, I dunno about any of that, but..."
  11. Oooh, this is almost to easy. Do you really want to see it? ←
  12. I'm not worried about anything. It's just something I've always wondered about. EDIT - Skumfrog, that's the most common opinion, but I've also read that it's illegal to have a ROM period, because of some sort of copyright laws.
  13. Okay, over time I've heard different, contrasting opinions over the legalty of emulation. I've heard people argue that it's legal if you own the game, and that it is illegal regardless. Who is right?
  14. I'm pretty sure there was a thread on this, but the 'Search' command isn't working for me. I checked back a few pages and didn't see anything. The last CD I bought came from eBay, it was 'LVL IV' by Future Leaders of the World. I'm bidding on the Axis of Justice: Concert Series Volume 1 CD & DVD combo right now, and then I'm getting a new copy of the Audioslave CD (my brother owns the old copy, and it's been poorly taken care of), 'Hunger Strike' by Temple of the Dog, 'A-Sides' from Soundgarden, and 'The Battle of Los Angelos' from RATM, all of this from eBay. I'll probably try to get as much as possible from my favorite Grunge bands, and then focus on modern stuff. Yeah, I'm trying to build a new CD collection. Anyways, what was your last CD purchase? What CDs do you plan on getting later? Yeah, same concept as the DVD thread.
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