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Status Replies posted by Sousa

  1. Fucking Butters or Cartman or Stewie Griffin are going to win that animated characters poll and you guys are REALLY going to get to see what a pissed-off Sousa looks like.

  2. God damn the Ravens (Baltimore)

  3. Ignore list grows by one. Most of the people on Sousa's ignore list have been banned. Will the trend continue? Sousa hopes so!

  4. Vote: snoopdoggydogg

  5. Vote: snoopdoggydogg

  6. mocking sports status updates with statuses about the wrong teams in the wrong sport is really passe.


  8. Past regrets and future fears, turns a boy to a man sooner than planned.

  9. Burger King's breakfast ciabatta tastes like vomit. That's not a euphemism. It tastes like bad pizza traveling back up your alimentary tract and into your mouth. It is the most dreadful thing I have ever eaten.

  10. So hey, anyone need something designed and would be willing to pay a bit for it? Kind-of need the money this week, work cut hours :/

  11. So hey, anyone need something designed and would be willing to pay a bit for it? Kind-of need the money this week, work cut hours :/

  12. Anyone else ever been playing with your kids and all their toys and have so much fun with the toys you didnt realize the kids stopped playing with you like a half an hour ago?

  13. Facebook is so weird. "Your dad, your ex-girlfriend, and Dasher Hatfield changed their profile pictures."

  14. So hey, anyone need something designed and would be willing to pay a bit for it? Kind-of need the money this week, work cut hours :/

  15. Bear walked into a bar. Bear said to deer. May I please......................................have a drink. And so deer says to bear: "Why the long pause?"

  16. What's your favorite Ric Flair match? Mine's this one:

  17. WOAH!! Now that TJ's "gone" am i now the Village Idiot ? ( Please, Flame all you want )

  18. Most annoying faction... Straight Edge Society vs. Right to Censor?? Sousa and Zero should have a field day with this one... in theory

  19. I don’t know if I should spank you or breast feed you.

  20. My thread got closed for being fun :(

  21. My thread got closed for being fun :(

  22. It appears my sarcasm and somewhat-off comments have just...you know the rest...so...yeah...I only registered to give my scenario to you guys, and I kinda gave up on that...so...bye!

  23. The board is telling me I am not registered

  24. Dude welcome to WCW .. Will u take some superstar ?

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