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Status Replies posted by Sousa

  1. The last minute of Boardwalk Empire tonight is going on the shortlist for Best Minute of TV in 2010.

  2. The much-vaunted Sousa Ignore List grows by one! Snoop and mickeyblueeyes were the last ones on it, and they're banned now! The countdown has begun!

  3. The much-vaunted Sousa Ignore List grows by one! Snoop and mickeyblueeyes were the last ones on it, and they're banned now! The countdown has begun!

  4. Honestly, I can’t think of anything to say about a toupee right now.

  5. Last call to vote on EWB's Favorite Singer II! I have seriously no idea what this one is going to look like beyond the top two, it will either be amazing or terrifying or both.

  6. Torches are the new legend vs. icon. Speaking of torches, I still carry one. For Tinkerbell. Hubba-hubba.

  7. Angels! Shit! What about goblins?

  8. You think Jericho's the master of the most hold? I'M THE MASTER OF 1,005! NUMBER ONE...ARMBAR!

  9. wishes Alberto Del Rio would contract the spanish announce team to exclusively call his matches.

  10. New rule, if you post fake spoilers in the status updates, I will delete them. If you post real spoilers, I will delete them and suspend you.

  11. Well, I'm not going home. I am going to get in my boat, and go up reever, and kick, that son of a bitch Bison's ass so HARD, that the next Bison wannabe, is gonna feel it. Now, who wants to go home.......................AND WHO WANTS TO GO WITH ME?!

  12. I am officially starting the campaign for the return of the negative rep button. Because we need it so badly.

  13. I am officially starting the campaign for the return of the negative rep button. Because we need it so badly.

  14. I hate you, I hate you, I don't even know you and I hate you. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else.

  15. Why can't I see the cube or lounge?!

  16. WRESTLING TRIVIA QUESTION! Identify all the wrestlers.

  17. still waits for kliq to update his status to donator

  18. still waits for kliq to update his status to donator

  19. I would like to once again advocate for the use of the Ignore button, EWB. It's a trip, man.

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