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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Bingo. I suck at bg's, that's why it took me so long.
  2. I live in Richmond so I've known about this for about a week or say, but I didn't ever think of posting it. He's from about 15 minutes from where I live and was arrested with that cocaine about 10-15 minutes away from me awhile back.
  3. Keith, you are the man - I check out Asian Dub Foundation and they are the shit.
  4. Not that big of a deal, but apparently the new album will be called "See You On The Other Side'".
  5. I was laying in bed yesterday thumbing through the channels and came across the Power Rangers on Toon Disney and noticed that the original pink ranger is now playing a jockey on the ABC Family show Wildfire. Power Rangers >*
  6. I just figured it was someone not currently a part of either company.
  7. I dig the rules, I'll have it up probably tomorrow.
  8. Lately I've just been in the battling mood for some reason and I wanna do one that isn't a CD/DVD/Video game (etc.) cover, so if anyone's up for it come on.
  9. Congrats, PE. Another well won battle. Maybe next time (there will be a next time) it won't be a DVD/CD/Video game cover.
  10. Come on someone, let's get a few more votes up.
  11. Use the "Resource Thread" above for tutorials.
  12. PE deserves this win simply because I dicked around so much. Sorry, bro. I'd be loving to do another match sometime that doesn't deal with covers. http://www.freewebs.com/tcrisp/lockdown1.jpg
  13. Hey, Quom if you give me your code I'll use it when I sign up.
  14. A little off topic, but maybe someone can help me in here: For some reason whenever I think of Scream I also think of I Know What You Did Last Summer. I have no clue why. Anyway, at the end of "I STILL Know" they left it COMPLETELY open for a third movie. Was that just to make people like me wonder years later or was there actually, at one time, plans for a third?
  15. That's cool with me if it's cool with PE.
  16. Lucky Ink (http://www.freewebs.com/tcrisp/luckyinkborder2.jpg)
  17. I have deep respect for Ozzy, I've grown up on him, but fuck Sharon. If there's one person I can't stand it's fucking Sharon Osbourne.
  18. I've been trying to get my hand on an actual copy of the Grey Album for awhile now, but everywhere that advertises it is a bunch of bullshit. Anyone recommend anywhere? And also, how are most Mashups done? Artist in the studio or are most just people mixing together?
  19. "I feel safe in the building tonight, with all of these cops, courtousy of G-UNIT". The VMA's were pretty good this year, better than the last few years.
  20. Yeah, the only diff. is the borders. Thanks.
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