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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Personally, I felt like the Fantastic Four did so much, but nothing happened. However, I loved Hellboy. Daredevil seemed like it was missing something - I haven't seen the directors cut, but it also seems like half the movie should be missing from the theatrical version. You find yourself wondering "When did that happen" or looking for more detail. Oh, as for Cat Woman, I agree that it sucked. I felt embarrassed watching it. What are the opinions on Superman Returns? I've heard it compared to Batman Begins as the top notch film of their respective franchises. I loved Batman and from what I gather Superman is a better action film, but does it have a good deep storyline like Batman did?
  2. HU/Jeff are pretty much pimped all over Myspace. They are the #1 listened to group and Shady was known from them before parting. Pretty popular among "scene" kids mostly.
  3. Anyone familiar with Hollywood Undead or MySpace in general probably know who Shady Jeff is or have heard of him. He was formerly part of Hollywood Undead. It's being reported that he passed away after being in a serious car accident on the 27th.
  4. Wasn't it New Found Glory that did "Back That Ass Up"? Great cover.
  5. I hate Benji for being just like me. Songs That Changed My Life "A Lifetime" - Better Than Ezra There is something about that song that just opened my eyes when I first heard it. Now it reminds me of a friend who I lost my senior year, but the song still makes me appriciate everything a little more. "All The Small Things" - Blink182 Easily my favorite band, period. Opened me up to Blink and eventually the likes of Rancid, Sex Pistols, and Rancid, just by genre association. While I was more into harder rock at the time when I heard them, the song just attracted me. "Iron Man" - Black Sabbath I still look at Ozzy as a rolemodel in the music aspect of my life. I've been a huge fan since I was younger. "Iron Man" just brought rock music to a whole for me when I was first getting into it. "King Nothing" - Metallica The first song I can remember hearing of it's style. Pulled me away from the country/pop era that was going around at the time I heard it and into everything I listen to today. I could listen to the song over and over without getting tired of it. "Champagne Supernova" - Oasis A song I listen to almost everyday. It represents a time in my life that was purely fantastic. When I hear it it takes me back to some of the greatest friends and late nights I've ever had in my life. Highschool's over, but this song will always remind of the times I've had during and just after. Sadly, it's not always a good thing for me to listen to it as it will make me think about how much everything has changed.
  6. I was playing in Photoshop with an idea in my head and I got something completely different. Now, to be honest, I have no what this is (so far at least), but what do you think? I know the blur will probably bring it down in your opinions, but like I said, I just came up with it. Link
  7. This has been a really great round so far, hats off to both of you. I can't want to see what comes next. And Sum, every time I see your sig I seem to click the spoiler tag before realizing it is you. By then it's like "damnit!".
  8. My question is, how did they know the truck/trailer was carrying them.
  9. Your Hardcore and Smoking Skull title matches make me laugh.
  10. So, she's sick and cute as fuck too. Opinions?
  11. Anyone know anything about Adobe After Effects?
  12. I am looking to get into the "video" and production area of designing and I am looking for some programs. I am talking along the lines of software used for the likes of openings for TNA and old ECW style openings to pay-per-views.
  13. Daria by far. I love that show. I also agree with Play Makers. And Surface.
  14. I've had it happen to me a couple of times with on offense and defense. It seems that if you take too much damage it will disappear. That's all I can come up with.
  15. The only thing that I'm hating about the reversal system is the same thing as every year - I'm in the air for a dropkick, my feet on my opponents face, and they catch ONE leg and suddenly I'm standing about to be leveled.
  16. Goldeneye >* (including No Mercy)
  17. RAW and I haven't a single choice yet. Instead of asking who I wanted to side with they just picked for me.
  18. Because no matter what goes wrong for TNA it's Vince's fault if Samoa Joe got a splinter in his ass Vince would be the guy who made the wooden chair
  19. Interesting. I kind of like it, in a guilty pleasure way.
  20. Ouch. I've been a fan for a short while, but they still aren't overly popular where I am. Good to hear that they're catching on though.
  21. Tori Wilson in SDvsRAW2006. She just follows you around like a lost puppy.
  22. TBH, it seems slightly interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing more.
  23. I wasn't a fan of the first MCR album at all, however, I like the new one. It's almost a entirely differen't band.
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