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Kane's Mullet Slacker

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Everything posted by Kane's Mullet Slacker

  1. You can get the achievement one of two ways. Either by promoting a level 20 multiplayer character to the single player game. Or simply starting a new single player game with a Shepard after you finished the story. Also, I finished the game and IMO I have to say the ending is utterly utterly disappointing.
  2. Just being bitten by a zombie doesn't turn you. It's the infection from the bite that spreads and you get sick and die. Then you become undead. If you remember that's what happened to Jim in Season 1. You're being beaten by a disease infested, rotting corpse. Even though it's shown now that the dead become undead it still doesn't explain why the two security guards are undead.
  3. There's a handful of movies I want to see that I just haven't got around to seeing yet that were released last year (Moneyball, Bridesmaids, Drive, and the Descendants).
  4. I had trouble even coming up with 10 movies I saw released in 2011: 1. The Muppets 2. Cedar Rapids 3. A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas 4. Conan O'Brien Can't Stop 5. The Artist 6. Super 8 7. X-Men: First Class 8. Thor 9. Red State 10. Captain America: The First Avenger
  5. I would have just left him on the fence. So while the Walkers were preoccupied with eating him I'd make my escape. If I would have brought him back I wouldn't trust him. It's like Scott Ian said on the Talking Dead, the guys Benjamin Linus.
  6. That's the same way I felt about the movie. There was more substance to Incredible Hulk than there was Captain America. Also I really enjoyed that chase sequence at the beginning of the film. I had to look up Joe Johnston's filmography on IMDb just to see if I've seen any of his other movies. Then I realized I've seen The Wolfman, The Rocketeer, and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Back to the movie Avengers, I'm looking forward to seeing Hawkeye in action in this movie. I also love that they casted Jeremy Renner for the part. I think his cameo in Thor was one of my favorite parts of that movie. I'm kind of disappointed there's no Wasp or Giant Man/Ant-Man in this film though. Maybe they'll bring them out in the sequel. Oh and one more thing, if Captain America doesn't say, "Avengers Assemble!" at least once I'll nerd rage.
  7. I love Ed Norton and I thought he did a good job. I also thought it was great homage to the Bill Bixby television show. I also liked that even though it was reboot they didn't do the obvious and boring origin story. The other thing I liked about the film is that the Hulk had an actual antagonist that he could fight at the end of the film. ...unlike Thor and Captain America, which totally didn't have an antagonist to fight at the end. Like, Loki and Red Skull, that would have been good. Thor and Captain America were far better than Hulk. Ed Norton was Ed Norton playing Ed Norton who happened to turn into a giant green rage monster. I liked the film, but it's definitely nowhere near as good as Thor and Captain America. What I meant by that last part was unlike in Ang Lee's Hulk, the Hulk had an antagonist he could actually fight at the end of the film. I'm sorry I didn't clarify that. I know Cap had the Red Skull and Thor had Loki. I did watch the movies. The thing that brings down Thor for me is I didn't like the guy who played Thor. I felt he wasn't a very good actor. I think they just casted the guy because he looked the part.
  8. The different classes are not specific to one species in multiplayer. You have to unlock the different species in the different classes though.
  9. I love Ed Norton and I thought he did a good job. I also thought it was great homage to the Bill Bixby television show. I also liked that even though it was reboot they didn't do the obvious and boring origin story. The other thing I liked about the film is that the Hulk had an actual antagonist that he could fight at the end of the film.
  10. I had issues with it too (I rank them Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man 2). My main issue was how underutilized I felt Red Skull really was, how silly the love story was played out, and how I had almost zero emotional connection with said love story. It should have been a big deal at the end, but it all feltreally stupid, silly, and unimportant. That said, the casting and acting was excellent, the script was far better than I would have ever hoped, and the effects were bright and shiny and ooooo and ahhhhh. I agree completely that's exactly how I felt. I wouldn't rank Thor as high as you though. I thought Incredible Hulk was better than Thor. Thor trying to adjust to Earth was funny, I think I would have rather watched an entire movie of that to be honest.
  11. This movie looks like it will be fun I'm hoping it's better than Captain America. That was such a huge disappointment. I think they're trying to go with the Ulitmates version of Cap's costume in this film.
  12. I played the multiplayer in the demo and thought it was pretty fun. I don't know how much of it I'll play though in the real game. I'm a bit of an achievement whore though so I'll probably play it to collect the achievements. I heard that you can carry over success from multiplayer into the single player game as well. So there's that incentive as well.
  13. That sucks, I replayed Mass Effect 1 last week and replayed ME 2 this week in anticipation of ME 3 being released next week. I had a save from the first game with a female Shepard I never finished. So I went back and finished it and then played through ME 2 with FemShep. I just need to do the Lair of the Shadow Broker and the Arrival missions.
  14. Yeah but to be fair it's kind of an obvious spoiler though. If you follow the comics it's not that surprising.
  15. I think I pooped a little
  16. I thought that was already mentioned in the thread.
  17. I'm Don Corleone, Mrs. Cavanaugh's cousin.

  18. I agree with all of those, I also enjoyed Chronicles of Riddick, the sequel to Pitch Black. The Prestige is another movie I love with Hugh Jackman in it.
  19. And I have a real soft spot for the Phantom Menace. It was the first Star Wars film I ever saw, and I was like eight at the time and it was all so new to me and I loved it. Quite possibly still would. It remains the only film out of the six I've seen more than once. If I remember my crazy fan theories correctly, I think Palpatine says something like his Sith Master was so strong with the force that he could create life. That's about it. Apparently it was also in the first draft of the script, but if that's true or if that even means anything is completely up for debate. Google also tells me there's also something about Anakin not arriving on Tatooine until he was 8, so his past is something of a mystery. Palpatine says to Anakin in Revenge of the Sith that he even has the ability to create life. I also heard it was in the first draft of the script that Palpatine was revealed to be Anakins father. So it might be implied that Palpatine is Annie's father. Christ. Hey, I was 9 as well when Episode 1 came out. But then again, I saw the original trilogy, through and through, like three times before I saw Episode 1 so... I watched the shit out of them VHS tapes. Exactly the same. Even the age. >_> I quite like my Blu Rays of Star Wars. I mean, I don't really care for the added stuff, but I'd heard Yoda was replaced with a CGI Yoda. So when it turned out that was a lie, the rest seemed a little more forgivable. Other than Hayden in Jedi. Fuck that. What was meant by that is the puppet version of Yoda used in The Phantom Menace was replaced by a CGI version, which it was. Yeah the puppet Yoda was originally used in The Phantom Menace but I guess he was cross eyed. So for the BluRay release they replaced him with a CGI Yoda. The 3D version of the film is the same as the BluRay release. George Lucas is a terrible writer, those prequel movies are evidence. Some of the cheesiest dialogue I've heard in a movie. The lightsaber duel at the end of the Revenge of the Sith is so over the top, drawn out and unnecessary. Also another problem I have with the prequels is that during space battles there's so much shit going on all over the screen it's impossible to focus on one thing. The original film is a classic, and I love Empire Strikes Back. Return of the Jedi I have a few gripes with but it's still a good film. The prequel movies are hot garbage though. I grew up watching the original trilogy as a kid on VHS and went to see the 1997 special editions in the theater. So when Phantom Menace was released I was obviously excited. Then I actually saw the movie besides the Pod Race the rest is shit. I bought the Complete Saga on BluRay just so I could get those deleted scenes from the original trilogy.
  20. Well the Academy can choose up to 10 nominees but they only chose 9 films this year. I don't see why they couldn't nominate it anyway regardless of the fact it wouldn't have won.
  21. While it wasn't nominated for Best Picture, Rooney Mara was nominated for Best Actress. It won for Best Achievement in Film Editing and was nominated for 3 other technical awards.
  22. Moneyball is on my list of films to watch as well. I was going to see Tree of Life but never did. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was not nominated.
  23. And I'm officially backlashing against the Lori/Andrea backlash. We have to realize, we're dealing with a bunch of small town hillbillies in the middle of the apocalypse, of course some will think they should break off into "Men do man stuff, girls do girl stuff." And this is exactly how the women were early in the comics, it's not until Michonne shows up and Andrea becomes a badass that it starts to change. Andrea's evolution is slower (like everything else on the show compared to the rapid-fire early days of the books) and she's quite bitchy, but I thought she took an awesome turn last night. She wasn't wrong, even if she was blunt about it. Regarding the comic spoilers and upcoming show speculation: Yeah I think my hate for Andrea probably has to due with a combination of her slower evolution, bitchiness, and the actress that portrays her. I guess I just don't like Lori and think she's manipulative.
  24. I only saw one of the films nominated this year and that was The Artist, I've heard the Descendants was a good film though.
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