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Everything posted by Skummy

  1. Random things I've spotted scrolling through: And then I think you edited/re-sorted the sheet while I was reading it, so I lost my place
  2. I love Superstar. I know it mainly through the Sonic Youth cover on a Carpenters tribute album, but it's gorgeous. I find it very haunting, though agree that the chorus is the weakest part of the song, and feels like something almost crowbarred in to make it more palatable.
  3. Jesus Was A Cross Maker and The Lamb Ran Away With The Crown are the too that I know and love, the former especially. I didn't really know anything about her life until just now, though. Famous Blue Raincoat is one of my favourite Leonard Cohen songs. I think he lyrically became more interesting, and more mature (if you can say that about a writer who didn't start releasing records until his mid-30s anyway) as he musically moved into cheap synths and weird production choices that make some of his later music a more acquired taste, but this is right at the point where he's moved beyond the likes of Suzanne/So Long, Marianne, which, while great, always have the feel of a bit of a dirge about them, while simultaneously reminding me of middle class hippies. He feels much more unique as an artist here - when Nina Simone sang Suzanne, it didn't feel like a Leonard Cohen song, whereas anyone who sings Famous Blue Raincoat sounds like they're working in his wheelhouse.
  4. I love T-Rex, but prefer them when they still had a bit of their weird hippy airs about them, rather than trying to be swaggering rock stars. "20th Century Boy" is a much better rock track, though. "Life On Mars" is, obviously, gorgeous. It's really the first time, on a grand scale, that Bowie showed that there was more going on in his head than rock and folk, as it brings in some of the odd music hall influences as well, with none of it feeling like pastiche. For someone who always gets celebrated as being an innovator and musical chameleon, I'd argue that this is really the first time that he started to feel like a significant artist in his own right.
  5. I was going to mention Bootsy being one of the new players - I think he may not even have been 18 yet. Eventually fired by James Brown, allegedly for being too funky. George Harrison is my favourite solo Beatle - though agree that the choice of song here is perplexing - but McCartney is an easy second place. As much dross as he's done, he's recorded some absolutely brilliant tunes, and changes it up a lot. He was clearly the one mucking about getting into Stockhausen and electronic music, and generally trying out new and interesting things both in and out of The Beatles, while most of Lennon's solo material is pretty dull and derivative, yet he tends to be seen as the more experimental of the two, either because of his personal life or because of proximity to Yoko Ono.
  6. they did. They answer the question "War, what is it good for?" by listing industries and corporations that war is, indeed, good for.
  7. They get mentioned a lot as precursors to hip-hop, and I think were namechecked a lot in the early '80s. How much of that was them actually being an influence on the musicians involved, rather than people creating connections after the fact, I don't really know.
  8. That's true. As far as I know, Candy Floss and Sam Gradwell are still there. I don't even know who Levi Muir is.
  9. I actually love how they've made Tifa and Aerith really believable friends this time around, when the focus in the original was a bit too much on them as love rivals. Chapter 17 & 18:
  10. Streets of Rage 4 is a delight.
  11. Some notes from skimming through promotions. Pro Wrestling EVE Roster: Company:
  12. yeah, I think it was either that fight or one shortly before it that made me think "oh right, I should really have been learning how all the support materia works, and paying attention in tutorials about blocking and evading after all".
  13. https://www.watch2gether.com/rooms/wrestlingstream1-ois3kue3iqmlcedi4d?lang=en

    Wrestling Stream going live at 19:30 GMT, with an eclectic assortment of matches and angles from across TIME AND SPACE.

  14. some of the boxes maybe take slightly longer to break? The main difference is a different layout, and you starting in a different position. But there seem to be more time boxes, and 1500 boxes better spaced out so as to make the most of your time.
  15. is it just me, or is a Whack-A-Box way easier on Hard mode than on Easy? It took me quite a few attempts to get up to 30000 on Easy, but just did Hard Mode for the first time and got considerably over 40000 and got all the prizes on my first go.
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