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Everything posted by livid

  1. I mean...why not? The players that end up going get a vacation and seem to have fun with it. I don't really understand why it has to matter to exist.
  2. Now where will Hollywood find attractive Aussies to be movie stars?!?!?!?! Anyways. Reacher on Amazon is a solid action/conspiracy series. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
  3. I just think it means Lillard likely isn't coming back this year. So might as well tank while he's out and get a high pick to either use to add another young piece or package it for a star in the offseason.
  4. Mike McDaniel seems to be the Dolphins favorite so maybe not the only one but two still isn't great.
  5. Nevermind the fact that being a "commie" isn't a bad thing to begin with.
  6. I'm not really sure that lends much credence to that other than McDonnell knowing Flores and knowing he'd be in the mix. Especially because if he's the top choice, he shouldn't really have to "come win the fucking job" to begin with. It'd be his to lose. That said, the bigger issue is the latter in which they're only bringing candidates in to fill a quota. Daboll is a fine hire and makes a lot of sense since they just hired a guy from the same organization to be the GM. It's pretty bad to let it leak outside the organization that you already found your guy when you still have guys to interview, it's even worse when you're bringing in minority candidates because you need to meet a certain quota. Based on the experience he had with the Broncos interview in 2019, I do not blame him Flores for just being tired of this shit.
  7. To be fair, while those situations suck in their own right, there isn't proof (yet???) like in this situation so of course the NFL would lean on that more than actually investigate root cause issues. That would mean trying to make a big public show about it and (over?)punishing the Giants. In reality they're going to react a lot more harsher to the Dolphins stuff.
  8. Brian Flores is suing the NFL and the NY Giants.
  9. DeMeco Ryans also removed his name from consideration of that job and is going to be sticking around San Francisco so that's good news!
  10. The cap savings alone make it inevitable but there is also no way you can watch the last couple of drives and still think this. Absolutely wild.
  11. LFG!!!! Regardless of what happens tonight I love this team and I'm so happy they even made it this far.
  12. I know, time zones and all, but I really wish the 49ers/Rams game was earlier.
  13. We have a new Patriots West! @DMN in the House
  14. Going to be fascinating to see what they try and do at QB. They drafted Trask in the 2nd last year but I can't imagine he's just given the job.
  15. Based on how Rapaport and Schefter have both tweeted about this request, it sure sounds like McDaniels is going to be the next Raiders coach.
  16. It would be wild if the 49ers ended up losing both of their coordinators. Though it sounds like Daboll is probably the favorite for them.
  17. I hope so. For Trevor's sake they really need to stop screwing around with the Baalke stuff.
  18. I can't think of any recently but it sounds like the Vikings are likely going to choose between Rams OC Kevin O'Connell and 49ers DC DeMeco Ryans so that would be your answer there potentially.
  19. Good for him. Baalke is a snake and sucks anyways. It's never made any sense why he was hired last year to begin with and the idea of keeping him makes even less sense.
  20. Shit so I spaced on Love Life which would be pretty high on my list but I noticed nobody else voted for so I'll just say that everybody should that out. William Jackson Harper is great in it.
  21. Caught up after falling behind but yeah, still think Euphoria is great.
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