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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. I do want a trash thriller, so I am reading this next.
  2. What a great read. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. What could have been cliche was not. I really enjoyed that Pratchett seemed to avoid narrative resolution in the traditional sense. Each segment, each chapter, each thread for the characters ends in unexpected ways.
  3. Zangief is my new husband.
  4. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    What did you say?
  5. Me and hubby watched it a couple of years ago but I threw it on for the kids this weekend and loved it. They did not like the Simpsons or Futurama. Only Bob's Burger.
  6. My kids watched Bob's Burgers and are obsessed and now we are watching the whole series. My kids get a kick out of the fact there are three kids all same genders as them and how similar they are to the kids. Apparently I'm like Linda.
  7. So my daughter is super obsessed with Marvel v Capcom 3. I'm down the fighting game rabbit hole. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  8. It was really good. I really enjoyed that the first half of the book was quite breezy and lighthearted, but the second half of the book was more of an exploration of aging and regret and loss. Now onto Commonwealth!
  9. @GhostMachine is clearly the criminal who voted for the Masked Singer.
  10. I picked Death Loop because I knew you'd just want to shoot things.
  11. I bought Street Fighter IV because I was craving a fighting game. Fighting Games are so good. Like a gaming comfort food.
  12. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    I literally listened to it today.
  13. I enjoyed GLOW but my partner enjoyed it way more than I did. I think in a lot of ways non wrestling fans would enjoy it more than wrestling fans.
  14. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    Listening to Homework and man oh man were they operating on another level.
  15. I just finished The Cell by Stephen King. I enjoyed it, but I feel like if I thought about the plot devices and story for more than a minute I would loath it. I have a bunch of your recommendations that I'm getting too after I read Less by Andrew Sean Greer.
  16. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    No, not at all. I just felt as though I did not adequately explain what I was thinking in my head. I love the Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, and Daft Punk, but I think a lot of what makes those bands really interesting and exceptional are not really all that prevalent in electronic music in today. Certainly non-musical elements of Daft Punk - the importance of visuals, the allure of anonymity, the cult of personality, the dynamics of the live show- are really central to electronic music in 2022. That sample-heavy, carefree, focus on yourself as the narrative, life is a party (almost frat-boy) attitude in Fatboy Slim music certainly is what I would describe mainstream electronic music in 2022.
  17. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    I think it is innovative for reasons that are not entirely obvious and potentially not all positive. I also acknowledge that other artists did some of the stuff. Firstly, what is the theme of the album? The theme of the album is very meta- it is Fatboy Slim. On numerous portions of the album, he is calling himself by name and referencing the album and songs within. There was a time period in the 90s where dance music still attempted to have narratives or grander themes above and beyond the music. Baby is really just all about Fatboy Slim, which is very indicative of modern day house music. It is so self-involved, but not in a cheeky way like Fatboy Slim. Secondly, I think whereas Chemical Brothers / Daft Punk / Prodigy were interested in making big beat music was influenced by other genres but still sounded like big beat music, Fatboy Slim's album feels like a grab bag of styles and sounds. There is not a consistent stylistic thread through the whole album. I definitely see a lot of the early 00s electronic music being influenced by this, in particular the dance punk and electroclash genres. Thirdly, the samples. Sampling has always been prevalent in music, but Fatboy Slim does it in a way that is both very obvious and yet harmonious with the message. Fatboy Slim also is a lot more playful with the samples - both in terms of what he uses, but also how he manipulates them. Fatboy Slim takes way more inspiration from the Beastie Boys or DJ Shadow than say Frankie Knuckles.
  18. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    Fat Boy Slims You've Come Along Way Baby is groundbreaking and definitely a marker of modern electronic music.
  19. So you are saying there is a chance Crash Bandicoot would kiss Wolverine on the lips and immediately after Crash says to the camera "better kisser than Superman"?
  20. RPS

    Random Music Thoughts

    The band Low are really good. I can see why their minimalist, almost drone like nature. But the simplicity of it is so beautiful and elegant.
  21. If I recall correctly, there were actually concerns about Eidos/Crystal Dynamics long term because the Tomb Raider and Deus Ex games were not financially successful. The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy games were also not successes. I had a friend who worked for Eidos Montreal. They loved the company, but they too were worried long term about what the longevity of their job looked like.
  22. Done. If anyone has not read this. It's really provocative. I'm still thinking about it after I finished it yesterday.
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