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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. Has a player ever made a debut in a cup final before?
  2. United have received an official bid from some rich Qatari guy. Apparently owns a big back, wants to build a new stadium and all sorts of things.
  3. I’m not one for conspiracy theories but there is definitely something amiss when the VAR and his assistant “forget” to add the offside lines that appear in every single game, not even once but twice. Well I say twice, I don’t think they even checked the second incident. I can’t get my head around them forgetting the simplest part of the job. You’re checking for offside, if it looks tight - you have the technology to add these lines that help you making the decision, hence VAR existing in the first place.
  4. Fucking hell - can’t they just kick-off and play the damned game already?
  5. Watching with a house full of Eagles fans. Wish me luck!
  6. Yeah I agree - although as a referee watching the replay of a goal you should really be able to spot two potential offsides in a matter of seconds. Hell, I managed to notice.
  7. Both VAR from our game and the Brighton/Palace game should be sacked to be honest. It’s completely unacceptable for that sort of error to occur at the highest level of the professional game. Especially when the whole system was implemented to ensure the rules were correctly being applied on the field of play. It’s farcical. They absolutely love putting up the lines and looking for a little finger being offside, I see it every game. How can the guy running VAR simply “forget”, and not even once but over two(!) instances of offside in the passage of play immediately before a goal is scored.
  8. According to reports, a group of Qatari investors are now looking to buy Manchester United.
  9. IGN gave Hogwarts Legacy 9/10. This did make me chuckle though:
  10. Liverpool are so bad lately. Not even doing the basics right.
  11. FLiam

    WWE 2K23

    I heard that Universe mode is now using the exact same engine as the MyRise mode. Not sure exactly what that means though. Something about additional options and animations? This was the video where it was mentioned:
  12. Whilst I’m not dismissing the Partey allegations in any way - the two cases are different in the respect that an audio recording was leaked and visible evidence of domestic violence was also leaked.
  13. Ah fair enough. Didn’t realise they had a bunch of injuries. I don’t think Andre Ayew is any good though.
  14. @Adam you got your wish. I know it’s a running joke and all - but aren’t Forest awash with attacking players already?
  15. Watched The Butterfly Effect again tonight as I needed something easy to watch (seen it before and all). Forgot that it’s actually a really good movie. Enjoy it a lot.
  16. Sky Sports News’ chief reporter saying Ziyech is “stranded” in Paris is hilarious to me.
  17. Losing Richarlison and Gordon in the space for six months and replacing neither is a little bit
  18. Any idea how many years left he had on his contract? He could have fetched a decent fee at some point, surely?
  19. Jorginho to Arsenal complete. £10m plus £2m in add-ons. I guess it makes sense. Will be good to give Partey a breather at the end of “easier” games where we’re ahead. Plus he will be useful in the Europa League.
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