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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. People from the press on Today at Wimbledon at the moment and they are all saying how their back pages will feature how Henman is now disappearing and his career is over. Jeez, just fuck off you twats. Someone has to lose. Gasquet/Murray is a potential 4th round match I think, or quarter final. I would love to see that, I really would, heres hoping.
  2. The only thing I am not looking foward to is seeing the papers tomorrow who will be claiming Murray has taken Henmans place, how Henman is going downhill and Murray is the new Sampras blah blah blah. Just look at Rooney, new Pele, not quite. English press suck. What annoys me most is that they don't pay attention to tennis hardly ever in the papers except the two weeks of Wimbledon and clearly don't see Henman doing well elsewhere, it just bugs me.
  3. Hey naiwf, stop with the Anti-Murray stuff. He is brilliant, let us celebrate his greatness. He is the next Sampras you see.
  4. Wigan, last ever game at Highbury. I wanted a Spurs or Utd or Chelsea.
  5. Wow. I really think Murray could make it big, he is playing fucking awesome.
  6. Interesting. I am not sure who I would prefer, Hleb would be cheaper, but Wright-Phillips is Wright-Phillips and he is amazing. Both would be nice but that isn't likely. In other news, this thread is broke, it keeps fucking up my PC.
  7. Safin took the first set on a tie break. And his coach is Kevin Nash, I swear. Bwahahaha, the net just broke. Safin takes the 2nd set in a tie break. Good match so far, some great serves.
  8. On the longest game question. Mine is like a season and a half. I hate this game.
  9. He needs to move Toure to right back, I believe he plays better there and has the attributes to be a great full back. He is better defensivley (sp?) than Lauren and just as good at going foward.
  10. Bwahahahahahaha. We have to win the Ashes, Australia suckaroo at the moment.
  11. Well, they are getting married.
  12. I hope Clijsters does well. I went to Eastbourne to watch her semi final and she won and I NEARLY caught her wristband thing, someone 3 seats along from me caught it. She could meet Davenport in the 4th round though which could be tricky. Anyway, Federer and Clijsters to win.
  13. If I were to purchase this off eBay, how would I know if I have the dodgy version or not?
  14. Does anyone else own this? My mum picked it up for me today down the town and it is fucking awesome, how come I never played it back in the day? Your just this guy beating up people but INSIDE a comin book, it is fucking awesome, you go from one box to the next.
  15. Why? What has happened?
  16. What's the link for that Jaxcaps site? I want to, erm, see the ads they on there.
  17. Exactly. And off-topic, but who is that in your avatar, it must be someone from Star Wars but it really looks like Chris Kanyon and is bugging me.
  18. Update on van Persie situation from sources in Holland. Translated by some geezer on the Arsenal forums. So, the evidence that I have seen is that this woman is basically a nutcase wanting money. But we will have to wait and see.
  19. So, the draw has been made. Start predicting and whatever. Andy Murray gets a qualifer, interesting. Jon Marray gets Malisse. I hope Marray can win, I don't like Malisse. Federer to win. I'll get the women's draw in a second.
  20. Are you sure? Is that why mine always used to wipe?
  21. I think Hleb has already agreed to join us, we just need to put the money on the table. This is how transfers start, club bids a small amouth and gradually goes up, the selling club usually have a higher value but they usually end up in the middle. £8m will be enough according to most sources in Germany, I really hope we do get him, it does look very likely. And in other news, van Persie will remian in custody for another 14 days. I so hope for his sake that this is complete utter bollocks. I really, really do.
  22. Band of Brothers - 10/10 Yeh, I know, technically it isn't a film but it is close enough. This is by far the greatest war series/film thing ever created. My favourite of all time, acting is amazing, sound is amazing, the look of it is amazing, it just blows me away everytime I watch it. And I get goosebumps at the end of the first episode when they set off for Normandy. Highlghy, highly recommended.
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