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Everything posted by TGWL

  1. They were all avoidable goals tonight which was pissing me off. This fucking powerplay is a joke.
  2. I'm excited for the 5 new missions. There doesn't seem to be a lot of missions once you reach a decent rank. Hopefully these are higher level mission with good RP/Payout. Grinding out Rooftop gets old, and survival doesn't given you nearly enough for the time you put in. I hope the new rifle is better than the advanced rifle. I end up buying all these weapons, but then I continue using the advanced rifle as my favorite weapon. I do switch it to combat MG every now and then, and auto-shotgun for up-close survivals, but not nearly as much as the advanced rifle. I typically only invest in super cars, so I like the idea of having a second properly with more room to explore sport cars. If this new super car can compete with the Turismo / Entity, it will be a nice pickup.
  3. https://vine.co/v/MrL3OpDEXbA Looks like the Rangers Powerplay...
  4. 15 shots. 3 breakaways.. Yeah, it's not hard to figure how why we lost... Stop giving us powerplays already, you're taking away any momentum we start to build.
  5. I'm sorry, it's the 5th in 7 days... I'm sure the back or back against philly is really their fault for going to 7 days. Also, I think there was something at MSG which pushes it a day earlier tonight.
  6. Rangers are the first team to play 5 playoff games in 9 days, since 1989... I can't believe how dumb this schedule has been.
  7. The 3 big penalty kills gave them a lot of momentum. The way lundqvist was playing, if they could've gotten an early lead, they might have been able to steal a win. But that was awful powerful, well 3 in a row...completely killed them. They didn't have any legs either. I expected them to be tired last night and tonight, but they're typically a well conditioned team. I guess it depends how much energy Penguins used up last night.
  8. Yeah, it's a shitty schedule for Rangers. I'm expecting their speed to show a drastic decrease in games 2 & 3. I'm actually hoping for Rangers - Boston to be honest. I'm still a little annoyed at how it ended last year against Boston. Although, I think we match up against Montreal much better... I'd rather see Penguins - Boston than Penguins/Montreal as well.
  9. I am really shocked at the Avs more than I am at the Sharks blowing it. I really thought the Avs were at least a second round playoff team this year. Sharks got unlucky on a shitty penalty that resulted in the first goal, but still...you have to score more than 1 goal to win a game in the playoffs.
  10. Yeah, momentum completely changed on the first penalty. Rangers were in completely control and then the penalty where Giroux was grabbed, but if there was ever an embellishment call to be made... I know Crosby has a bad rep but Giroux is slowly catching up with the embellishments. After that It was all Flyers. We like to get our moneys worth...
  11. While Gill wasn't anything great, people are blaming him for the Moore goal which is absolutely ridiculous. It was a dumb pass to begin with. It should have been bounced off the boards, instead it was put in Gill's skates.
  12. I knew I was doomed with the Blues... Their stretch at the end of the season had me thinking they were done in the first round.
  13. If anybody is to blame, it's you. Don't you know better than to jinxs them and say "you don't see them blowing a 3-0 lead?' Every game has gone 4-3. Lots of high scoring playoff games, and then you have Rask giving up 2 goal in 3 games.
  14. I love Dubinsky. I think the Rangers are a Dubinsky away from winning it all... >.> I miss him!
  15. His penalty gave NYR's the momentum for sure, but they continued to take dumb penalties and had no offense in the 3rd period. That much you can't blame on Emery and Akeson.
  16. Flyers spent the entire 3rd on the penalty kill which killed the 1-1 game for them, but they were out played all game.
  17. Damn right they will, maybe less... Yes, Wings are my second favorite team and I am biased...
  18. Man, I absolutely adore Shanny. He's even had a conversation with me over twitter and made me feel like the coolest person ever! But I fucking hate the leafs (Although that's more towards how their fans act and not nearly as much as I hate Montreal). I'm torn...
  19. I'm still pissed that Rangers blew their game against the Avs. That was such a shitty half-ass clear by Girardi. I'm not completely sure why they put the puck in the offensive zone to begin with after they clearly skated out of the zone. That allowed Varly to be pulled. Not going to complain too much about that but the coaching staff didn't seem too happy with that decision.
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