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Everything posted by TGWL

  1. That depends on their Rank Level. Did anybody notice an increase in Hits being put out this weekend? Every 5 minutes, there was a Hit sent out for an easy 4-6k. I don't have anything to look forward to when it comes to Ranking. I'm hoping they put out some higher ranked weapons or a new aircraft. Was anybody else disappointed when you were only able to hold 10 fireworks? I had big plans... The best I got was 4 people using 10 each and setting the timer off slightly different.
  2. Mike Santorelli is somebody I wanted Rangers to grab if they were losing players. I think he over achieved last year, but if he can replicate that 1.5 is an absolute steal.
  3. He played with Komarov. He made a bigger name for himself outside of the NHL. During his NHL time, he's been criticized for work ethic.
  4. Is it like when you shower and can sing to get RP points? I passed on the Monster truck after I realized you have to call Pegasus each time you want it.
  5. I heard you couldn't upgrade the monster truck - is that true?
  6. I am a little annoyed that we took Glass for 3 years, 1.45, when boyle went for 2 years, 2 million. Also, why is Glass making the same as D. Moore? Ugh!
  7. Orpik went for 5.5 a year. Miller to Vancouver. 3 x 6 a year. Robidas 3 x 3 Hiller to Calgary 2 x 4.5 a year.
  8. Wow, Penguins just signed Ehrhoff for 1 year, 4 million. What are the Oilers thinking on their deals? I can see Fayne, but Pouliot?
  9. Del zotto is not coming back to the Preds. I think a lot of teams expected the cap to go up a lot more than it did.
  10. I think Tampa could have unloaded Purcell without retaining any salary. Seems like a 6th is a bit low here, especially when they had to take Gagner, and then retain on him. Christian Ehrhoff is bought out and it looks like Jovanovski is about to follow. I think Ehrhoff could be a steal of a pickup if somebody can get him on a shorter deal. Buffalo wasn't the place for him. Tampa made Nate Thompson available, and apparently the Rangers couldn't make a push for him considering they're most likely losing Boyle. The draft and off-season has been a giant fail for the Rangers. Hopefully free agency looks brighter.
  11. How much did he get? Gaborik is not playing until he's 39. I heard 4.9
  12. That Schenn contract looks like a steal if he plays well this year and next year.
  13. He waived it for Columbus. It seems like a good fit for him to be honest. A smaller market, he can be expected to play as a grinder/agitator/solid player and not a 30 goals scorer. EDIT: Markov just signed an extension. 5.7 per / 3 years.
  14. He was great the first half of last year. I don't think he has the legs to continue that pace all season, and playing him on the point is just bad when the Rangers spend more time in our own zone on the powerplay. That's certainly not saving his legs during the game. He got the short end of the stick because of his contract and how it was negotiated prior to the lockout, but he still put up 51 points and got over 250 shots, and that's on the rangers without playing on the first line. I mean, he did average a lot of time but that's because of playing the point on the power plays. I definitely see a few teams interested in him. If they can lock him up 3 years / 4 million - that's a pretty darn good deal. EDIT: Flyers just got a little easier to play against... Well, maybe..
  15. Here's the full list of the update, in case anybody wanted it.
  16. Brian Boyle is going to test he market. Apparently, he was told he would be brought back as a 4th line, PK specialist - playing on average 13 minutes a night. He wants a bigger role.
  17. Oh, my Coveted... I don't get why they can't just keep the original and the modified missions.
  18. I find it hard that he couldn't do 1 pull-up. Long shot here, but any chance he threw this to drop down the list and not get drafted by one of the top 3 teams?
  19. That was a heartbreaking loss. I'd rather them lose the game 4-1 than double overtime like that. What sucks is this series could easily be 2-0 the other way, or 1-1. I'm not happy about some of those goals. Not to make excuses, but it's a painful loss when, 1st goal - Lundqvist skates are pretty much kicked out and has no way of getting back. 3rd goal - Should not have been allowed. Definitely prevented Lundqvist from making the save. 4th goal - blown icing call. Double overtime winner - Missed delay of game penalty, then the Kings come down and score the winner... Pretty much do or die tonight. Poor team is simply over powered. Seems like the Kings have to just bump them to knock them off the puck.
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