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Everything posted by TGWL

  1. Uh oh, Rooftop Rumble is down for maintenance.
  2. Game has been postponed between Columbus and Dallas. Rich Peverley collapsed on the bench. He's now in stable condition.
  3. Halak goes to the capitals. Moulson to the Wild Reto Berra to the Colorado Ruutu to the Devils Hemsky to Sens
  4. I bought the Turismo. It's fast, and really sticks to the road for some good handling. I think I prefer the Entity and Cheetah, but it's probably going to be my 3rd favorite car to drive distance in. The new machine gun wasn't that great. If you have an advanced rifle, there's really no need for this. I bought the Special Carbine and the extended clip but it was a waste of money to be honest. I got rid of my Rat Loader. Didn't see the big deal in it. I gave it the top mods. I lowered it all the way. Will have to try it out and adjust the suspension. The biggest flaw is that if somebody crashes into you, you spin out really bad compared to other cars.
  5. Are the cars as good as a cheetah and Entity? Or more like the lower super cars/free elegy?
  6. I heard it was Sutter, 2 2014 draft picks (1 is a first) and the choice od despres or dumoulin.
  7. Oh, I forgot to add rooftop rumble in the rotation mix. Nearly 5k rp on Hard (playing with somebody else) and 18,750 payout for less than 3 mins of your time. I'm going to have to sell one of my cars to buy one of the new vehicles if they're nice.
  8. I love that chopper Tail and Chemical extraction are on the hosted job list. You get some good RP points playing with a crew member on hard, plus the payout is pretty great. It's a good change from just doing the coveted mission over and over. Been making a lot of money and ranking up has been faster.
  9. Oh, come on. The bigger rink definitely leads to more scoring chances, especially for the faster players. I prefer the NHL season myself, but it's pretty obvious that a bigger rink leads to better rushes up the Ice and more scoring chances. The low scoring games have been against teams that are matched a little closer.
  10. It's more intense, but the bigger size rink offers more scoring rushes, for somebody who doesn't watch Hockey all year - this would definitely be more exciting for them.
  11. Yes, that is how I should've typed it earlier. I typed it wrong and spell check chose to correct it to irreverent, which is an actual word, but thank you for correcting it.
  12. That's irreverent. I'm rooting for him too, but his surge of points came against the easy teams. Let's hope he can do this against the teams that matter in the Olympics.
  13. I thought they said they were keeping everything.
  14. I feel bad for Norway. They're out match in every area, and look like a college team taking on Team Canada. They get the puck in their zone and it comes right out, during the odd chances that they actually get the puck out of their zone... They caught a break with the goal, but Canada should be up 6 or 7 by now.
  15. A lot of people aren't happy that they took away the money. If you were gifted the money or killed somebody from a bounty, most people bought some vehicle and upgraded it, and if you were just using shitty cars it makes a difference when you're now stuck paying close to 10 grand every time it gets ruined. They wiped out bank accounts leaving them with only 50k, even if they had over a million, and they justified it by saying you spent cheating money. They haven't updated anything. It's Feb. and people are getting tired of waiting for the heist. There's not enough fun single player missions, or missions at a higher level. It's the same missions over and over. Sessions have become who can sit in a tank and blow you up from places hard to kill them. I'm closing in on Rank 80, the combat MG is pretty much all I have to look forward to, and you can use that all the time in survival mode.
  16. Great article on O'Reilly. http://www.hockeyprospectus.com/puck/article.php?articleid=1423
  17. So, after a rough start for the East, it looks like they're keeping up with the West now. You still have the strong top teams in the west, but everybody else has fizzled as the East has gotten better.
  18. I don't think they have the expendable parts to get wheeler. I think Jets can get a lot more from other teams.
  19. That isn't a terrible Idea. (unless he just got injured and I'm aware of it) Cheap contract, and only for the rest of the year. It wouldn't take much to get him. Problem is he's more of a do-it-yourself player, that wouldn't work that well with Crosby and Kunitz.
  20. Yeah, I was a little confused because typically Ruki is commenting on leafs. I don't think either makes the NHL. Teams usually try everything they can to do possible to develop big centers, though. Rangers have a 6'7 D-man they're hoping learns how to skate.
  21. Isn't he 5'8? 5'9 max, being generous? And 155-160'ish lbs? He's already 23, so I don't see a height increase coming his way. Unless you meant the other guy.
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