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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. That Joker poster is badass. I can't wait to see this film. At first, I wasm't sure on Ledger as Batman, or his look. But I'm convinced. It's been a long time since I've wanted to see a film this much. Looks fucking badass.
  2. I made this graphic last night. I'm personally quite proud of it. I liked the look, but I had a problem with the text. Any other color than the standard blue stood out to much for me. So I added a drop shadow to mae the color clearer. I've made two graphics with the font in a different place. I'd apprecaite to konow which you think works better. -Split
  3. I just had a feeling he was going to do that when he called his dad in the Millionaire question. That was just awesome. This thread could include alot of different things if done well.
  4. I'd appreciate if possible... Justin Richards and Alex Gold .
  5. Thanks for the comment,s I'll look into putting boarder around it also. Thanks, again.
  6. I took my time on this, and tried to make it look good. I'm personally proud of it, but I was wondering what you guys think. I know it's nothing special, but I like to get all the help I can get.
  7. I thought I'd give it a shot, nothing special by any means. At least I tried, eh?
  8. Hey, Well I had Paint Shop Pro and within the last few motnhs aquired photoshop. I've used it to make some of the stuff better, but everything is very basic. I KNOW this is very vague, but if any of you could post things in here to help make me better at photoshop. I'm really looking into backgrounds and effects and such because everything just feels WAY to basic. Espicially my backgrounds. So any adive would be appreciated.
  9. It looks excellent, I think the face has slight shades of Sabu in it. But it's a really great drawing, I second the question on how long did it take you?
  10. 1. Homer Simpson - Simpsons 2. Peter Petrelli - Heroes 3. Chandler Bing - Friends 4. Doctor Who - Doctor Who 5. Goku - Dragonball Z 6. Yugi - Yu-Gi-Oh 7. Jessica - Heroes 8. Magin Bu - Dragonball Z 9. Sam Tyler - Life on Mars 10. Dnny Blue - Hustle
  11. 1. The Prestige 2. Jerry Mcguire 3. Derailed 4. Inside Man 5. V for Vendetta 6. Bourne Ultimatum 7. Baseketball 8. Airplane 9. 40 Year Old Virgin 10. Van Helsing 11. Zoolander 12. De Ja Vu 13. Batman Begins 14. Pirates of the Carribean 15. Prime
  12. "While the city sleeps, we rules the streets" By Cobra Starship. I first saw them/heard them when they supported Fall Out Boy live. IMP they upstaged FOB and I just fell in love with the album.
  13. Am I the only one who loved Dr. Freeze? But I'm unsure when he came in. Can anyone fill me in?
  14. Seriously, I was just kidding around. Sorry for it come out that way. I'm sure he will do a good job, BTW has anyone got any pictures of him in the role? I mean is he classic joker, or is he something sort of new...like Scarecrow?
  15. ...Yeah, I guess. Wow...a French Joker. Sorry if my first post came off the wrong way, it wasn't meant to be down to earth seriousness.
  16. Shmeh! They should have cast Vincent Cassel as the joker. Christian Bale and Cassel are my two favourite actors. It would have owned. But no...we get Brokeback Joker!
  17. With the recent rumors of Chris Jericho returning to WWE I'd love to see you have a go at a PPV of your choice promotional poster advertising the return of Y2J. *Note* This is not in any way a sneaky way of a request.
  18. Thanks, that works. Now where do I put the file? Or where do I put the files inside that file?
  19. The aresnic link doesn't work. Is there any other sites you can get it off?
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