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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I'm ready to play, though Summers, are playing the WALL.E demo. So hurry up
  2. Stay awake. :@ Yes SIR, SUMMERS SIR!
  3. Excellent, I'm up for a good game in 45-60 mins. Providing I haven't gone to bed by that time
  4. So, is team EWB going ahead? For CoD 4 that is. Sorry about earlier Sum, I was more in the writing mood.
  5. Anyone up for some CoD 4 tonight? I'm pretty much free whenever. I'm UK time by the way, if that makes any kind of difference.
  6. Purchased Jae Lee's Hellshock today, the art and story really stoof out to me so I've decided to give it a go. Haven't started readin yet, but I'm pretty excited. Anyone read it? Opinions?
  7. That was absoloutly awesome. Sum, his mate and I just rocked out Team Tac. We must've played for a good three hours, that was extremely awesome. Cheers, Sum.
  8. How many of you guys play Call of Duty 4, I'm up for a game anytime really. My tag should be on the front page. Anyone fancy a game anytime soon?
  9. Call of Duty: World at War I'm guessing my money will be spent on things other than games, but COD: WaW, is a definite purchase for me. I might be tempted to buy something like Gears of War 2, or TNA iMPACT, but I'll see how I go.
  10. Jimmy


    I have the boxet and I never really tired of it. I absoloutly loved all ten seasons, I say it's well worth buying.
  11. Eh, #500 didn't do much for me. I mean, it was alright and all, but it didn't have anywhere near as much edge or excitement as Moon Knight, which I also read that day. Overall I was disapointed as I was really enjoying the previous issues, mostly due to the appearance of Omega Red. I'm sure whether or not to drop X-Men from my list, as there's alot out at the moment. On another note, I'm loving Wacthmen at the moment, I'm about half way through it. I love it. And I read the latest issue of Batman Detectives, I really dig all that stuff. It's building a lot of things up really well. Not exactly the most eventful issue but none the less entertaining. I definitely recomend this.
  12. Oh, on the cartoon I swear it was Vision. I watched a cartoon a while ago, and he if I remember he seemed pretty much identical to Vision...
  13. Probably I well known question, but why is Vision in DC's Justice League and Marvel's Avengers? I'd appreciate if anyone could clear that up for me.
  14. Cain, seriously? I ordered mine off Amazon and it arrived the next day. I just wasn't here to collect it, so I went and picked it up from the post office. I've read the first chapter. It really lays down ground for the following stuff. The first page just gripped me in, Rorscach is awesome. His narations are fantastic.
  15. Yesterday I picked up Moon Knight #20 and Uncanny X-Men #500. X-Men has a new begining of a story named SFX and the first installement is pretty enjoyable. It's a bigger issue so there's obviously more story and it's good fun. But Moon Knight blew me away, it also came with his first appearance Werewolf in Issue #32 and #33, which I actually think I enjoyed more than the main story which also included Werewolfs. This is odd for me, as I usually can;t get into older things for some strange reason. But I loved his first appearance in werewolf. The Main story is gory for what I've seen in Marvel comics. Heads coming off, bodies ripped apart and such. I loved the artwork and the story was pretty good. I'd definitely recomend picking this one up. Also, I think my Watchmen copy is coming today. Which I can tell you, I'm hella excited for.
  16. I'm going to buy Watchmen because of all the fantastic reviews, but I was also wondering, I saw advertising for the whole of Alan Moore's WILD C.A.T.S. I was wondering if anyone had read it, and if so what did they think of it? Is it worth buying?
  17. He didn't say he didn't like the movies, he just said they were the 'Insert Number' Greatest Film of all time.
  18. Batman Detective comics are awesome, I'd defo recomend it. I love the writing, and I love the art. I seem to be collecting that comic and Uncanny X-Men right now, waiting for issue 500. I took a look at Moon Knight #20, the first story, with new art, looks awesome. But older Moon Knight didn't intrege me so much. Anyone here read Moon Knight? Anyone can tell me if it's any good?
  19. That was amazing. Heath Ledger, was just...wow. The whole damn cast was so strong. I think that is my favourite movie ever. The drama, the acting, the story. Just fantastic. The buzz in the cinema was excellent as it was the first showing in the UK in our cinema. Just simply, brilliant.
  20. I'mgoing to the first showing in my cinema, which happens to be tonight. I'm can't tell you how hyped I am!
  21. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit. I don't care what people say about the games, I love the franchise, and I love the games.
  22. I'd love to see this, this would also call for a Punisher Tie-In, if I remember one of the version I saw/read.
  23. Friday Night I was at the Brixton Academy and saw The Pigeon Detectives live. They were supported by Seargent and Cage The Elephant. I missed the first support act, but CTE were pretty good. It was hard to make out there lyrics, but they gave off a good vibe. I would recomend checking out there new single 'There ain't no rest for the wicked' Out June 16th. The Pigeon Detectives themselves were brilliant. They had the crowd going, and they just have such energy on stage. The music was top notch, and they were on top of there game. Easily better live than on CD. Check Out: Pigeon Detectives Cage The Elephant (Yeah I stole it from YI)
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