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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Why isn't this on iPLAYER? Edit: Yeah, I'm stupid.
  2. Love 'em all but AD's is simply phenomenal.
  3. Jimmy

    Doctor Who

    Will John Simm be reprising the role of The Master? Please God say it is so.
  4. You've also got to take into account the way that it's edited.
  5. Sure, it's now on my list after I finish The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which, by the way, is really good. I'm up to episode five and I'm really into it so far. Plus I love Summer Glau.
  6. What is Dexter actually about? I keep looking at the back of the season one DVD set and it gives me no useful info.
  7. It was nice to see Ben put forward a decent argument in the boardroom. Usually people simply got to pot and we se so many scrappy, shitty arguments. I can't stand Debra, seriously, bitch needs to have some sense knocked into her.
  8. I watched the first two of Alias and I really liked it. Something I certainly want to watch in the future. Also, The Sopranoes is amazing. I saw the pilot and it's quality. Plus, just finished Firefly. If you haven't allready - go watch it.
  9. Yeah, I thought it was a smart series but could've done with an episode or two more. It felt like there was gap between episode two and three. Apparently a second season has been give the go-ahead, which I look forward to.
  10. Let me know what you think of the Fixer when you get around to it. I haven't talked to anyone else who has watched it, so it'd be interesting to know what you think.
  11. Make a Movie Poster for the forth installment of Pirates Of The Caribbean.
  12. I've seen the first epsiode of Alias and half of the second one and I think it's really good so far. I plan on borrowing it from a friend. It's a very clever series it'd seem so far.
  13. Wish I could afford all of these TV shows. I think Supernatural, Alias or Angel is next after I'm done with the last episode of Firefly and Bones.
  14. Quality first showing, will certianly keep watching. Will had me laughing and cringing throughout.
  15. Fell: Feral City. Simply - it's amazing.
  16. Also, Sarah Conner Chronicles. Yes or no?
  17. Spoiler: Click here to viewNOT DR. STRANGE :(:(
  18. whats this? A six part British Drama from the creators of Life On Mars, Spooks and Hustle. I really enjoyed it. It's about a man who was taken out of prison to work as an assasin for a group of vigalentee's who work outside of the government. I really liked the characters, and while there may be a few holes in the series, as a whole, I really dug it.
  19. The boys were awful this week. I don't mind the Georgdie, but the Irish guy looks quality so far. It'll be interesting to finally see the teams mixed up. Think Rocky was a little unfortuante, though. James should of gone on the account of being a tool.
  20. In spoiler tags, if needed, who's been killed in that universe latley? I mean out of the superhero's with name value.
  21. While a thread like this is open, what's Supernatural like? Also, could people recommend me some Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Drama TV shows, please? I really dug Heroes, Buffy, The Fixer and I'm nearly done with Firefly. I've got Bones and (hopefully) Angel to watch too.
  22. That's the only episode of Angel I've seen, apart from Smile Time. This just truly sucks. He's WAY TO YOUNG TO DIE. Seriously, this is just awful. All the best to his family.
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