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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I haven't seen three of these films, but I'm just wondering why The Prestige finds itself at the bottom of the list? I really dug the movie, what was it that you didn't like about it. Out of interest?
  2. Jimmy

    Waterloo Road

    She could've stayed at home...or something. ...I want more Mika.
  3. Jimmy

    Waterloo Road

    It was a seriously emotional ending. I think the series is really well done, and it's nice to see something which is more than eight episodes, but I can't help but feel they're repeating storylines and such. In some places, anyway. What happened to Mika, anyway?
  4. Push 4/5 I really dug Push. It had a really good feel to it, and I really enjoyed the storyline. I thought the world was set up nicely. Some pretty good acting, and some pretty damn cool twists along the way. This certainly worth checking out.
  5. I'm no big expert with Photoshop, but I made this as a request. I know it's basic, but I was just wondering if I could get some thoughts and feedback on it.
  6. Buffy The Vampire Slayer. After watching an episode in media, I was basically in love with it. I got the whole box set for my birthday, and I'm racing through them. The whole thing is amazing. Plus, Spike is quality.
  7. Vicky Cristina Barcelona 4/5 I had no idea what to expect from this film as I'd heard little about it other than the bafta nomination. I was pleasently suprised with this movie as I thought it was a really interesting story of people's perception of love and life. All four main stars acted superbly and I'd certainly recomend this.
  8. Thanks for the all the suggestions, man. My dad bought me Batman: The Long Halloween when he saw me browsing in waterstones, and I can't stop reading it. Usually I like to take my time and not rush things, but this is amazing.
  9. No idea why, but I LOVE that.
  10. Yeah, it's a very quick shot while Clive Own's on the plane.
  11. Jimmy

    Waterloo Road

    I miss Mika. The show's quality, albiet I missed it last night. The Kelly's just can't seem to get a break whatsoever. The show is great and does a load of awesome characters to show for it. Also, unlike most UK Drama's, it lasts over 8 episodea. Which is a plus.
  12. Something real quick, WCCW's John Hawk has a $60,000 per appearance salary, the highest on the roster. I'm assuming that just wasn't caught.
  13. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in with this. I've been looking for something good to play for a while now, so I'm really quite excited.
  14. I found the first episode really odd, but after that I found it a really good watch. I think things come together quite nicely. Though, I think the only thing it really misses is the real threat of a villain, if I remember right. Still, I'd probably give it 4/5. The first episode was good, story-wise. Didn't care for the animation style at all; backgrounds looked great, but the characters were bleech. My favorite part was actually the last episode, but I prefered the animation style from Field Test (though I thought Bruce looked too young in it). Only major gripe was that Killer Croc's appearance amounted to little more than a cameo, even if it was an action sequence. Want a sequel with the Joker (NO HARLEY!!!), Two Face or Catwoman....provided they don't use the animators from the first episode; give them the Penguin, Clayface or the Riddler to work with. (I'm kind of tired of Mister Freeze) Yeah KillerCroc was awful, but I really dug Deadshot's apperance in one of the episode's. I thought he worked exceedingly well.
  15. I'm loving having my 360 back after it red-ringed, I'm just swapping between COD5, Fable II and Mirrors Edge. Ah, good times.
  16. Mirror's Edge is totally one of mine, just the whole experience is quality, espicially with everything that's going on around you. Also, in The Bourne Conspiracy after completing one of the missions some of the cut scene's are fantastic. And some online COD4/5 moments, too.
  17. Yeah, issue #9 was on ebay for like £2.50 if I include postage and packaging. I'll pick it up soon because the series is awesome. It's a shame it stalled, but hopefully it'll eventually pick back up. After reading this, and a Hellshock a while back, I'm a lot more upon to bigger named books. I'd love some recomendations for some lesser known books, please. Stuff similar in the sense of Fell. Dark and clever, if possible.
  18. Fell: Feral City Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith This is fantastic. Fell is absoloutley brilliant, without a doubt. I picked the graphic novel, which includes Issue's 1-8, for £9 and for that much, this was a bargin. The art works beautifully for the story, and though the stories are shorter than most comics, the storytelling is wonderful. The main character, Richard Fell, is fascinating, as are all the side characters. Each chapter tells a new story, which continues to build character and the world around it. I took a chance buying something a bit different, something that wasn't DC or Marvel, and I can tell you I'll be buying more from now. I can't suggest strongly enough that you should pick it up. Great characters, great stories, great art. Best thing I've read in an age.
  19. I found the first episode really odd, but after that I found it a really good watch. I think things come together quite nicely. Though, I think the only thing it really misses is the real threat of a villain, if I remember right. Still, I'd probably give it 4/5.
  20. Finally got a chance to take my 360 to Game to get it fixed. How long does it usually take for a 360 to get fixed?
  21. Jimmy

    Life On Mars

    I haven't seen the American one, but the British one is top quality. Both series are fantastic, and well worth the buy.
  22. 1) Captain America (Steve Rodgers) 2) Spiderman 3) Moon Knight 4) Doctor Strange 5) Wolverine 6) Carnage (Cletus) 7) Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) 8) Hawkeye (Clint Barton) 9) Gambit 10) Electro
  23. The Wrestler - 5/5 The film is phenomenal, and Rourke is at the top of his game. He deserves the award he's won, and man, it was just driven by such emotion. Go watch it. Just go. NOW.
  24. I actually thought What Happens in Vegas was a pretty decent flick, and that Diaz's nomination is hardly right compared to the other performances around her.
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