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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Also, Sarah Conner Chronicles. Yes or no?
  2. Spoiler: Click here to viewNOT DR. STRANGE :(:(
  3. whats this? A six part British Drama from the creators of Life On Mars, Spooks and Hustle. I really enjoyed it. It's about a man who was taken out of prison to work as an assasin for a group of vigalentee's who work outside of the government. I really liked the characters, and while there may be a few holes in the series, as a whole, I really dug it.
  4. The boys were awful this week. I don't mind the Georgdie, but the Irish guy looks quality so far. It'll be interesting to finally see the teams mixed up. Think Rocky was a little unfortuante, though. James should of gone on the account of being a tool.
  5. In spoiler tags, if needed, who's been killed in that universe latley? I mean out of the superhero's with name value.
  6. While a thread like this is open, what's Supernatural like? Also, could people recommend me some Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Drama TV shows, please? I really dug Heroes, Buffy, The Fixer and I'm nearly done with Firefly. I've got Bones and (hopefully) Angel to watch too.
  7. That's the only episode of Angel I've seen, apart from Smile Time. This just truly sucks. He's WAY TO YOUNG TO DIE. Seriously, this is just awful. All the best to his family.
  8. My attempt. Haven't spent too long on it but I toyed with a few ideas and ended up on this. I know it's not great, but I had some fun doing it.
  9. Firefly In my recent love for TV Series and Joss Whedon, my friend leant me this. Firefly is absoloutley amazing. For anyone who hasn't seen this - just do it. I've got about six episodes left and I think it's quality. Just go watch.
  10. I leant this game off of my mate, and I think it's pretty decent. A thing I found a little odd; there's achievement points for completing everyone's Road ot Wrestlemania except Punk's, which, ironically, is the only one I have done.
  11. Jimmy


    Any news on if this will be making its way to the UK?
  12. Could I maybe get in on this? I'd love to improve my skills.
  13. I prefered Eddie G's. The whole thing looks slick and professional. Nufan's was a good effort, but I've seen him make better.
  14. I think we need a seperate Heroes thread for UK viewers. When you talk of the latest episode, I'm guesing you mean the US'.
  15. So is it about lesbians that kill vampires or lesbian vampires that kill? Two people who kill Lesbian Vampire's.
  16. While I liked Eddie G's, Nufan's looks really quite nice and one of the better posters I've seen him make.
  17. Marley and Me - 6/10 Lesbian Vampire Killers 7.5/10 The Young Victoria 7/10
  18. Also, Matt's spirit walk had something to do with him painting the future. I can't remember exactly what, though.
  19. I just finished Season 7 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, thus concluding watching the whole series. It's fucking amazing, really. It's one of the best thing I've ever watched, and I loved every minute of it. I recomend anyone who hasn't seen it to pick up the box set.
  20. Yeah, I was confident that Watchmen would be a 15 at the most, which worked nicely for me as I turned 15 a few months ago. Yet, it's an 18. I guess I'll just have to wait for the DVD. But it was film that I really think would be made all the better by being in the cinema.
  21. It's an 18 in the UK, which I can tell you, is just shit. I mean, I understand why, but I haven't looked forward to a film this much since The Dark Knight. I loved the graphic novel, my parents have no problem taking my whatsoever, it's just an 18. Doesn't an R Rating tranfer to a 15, anyway?
  22. Spoiler: Click here to viewHana Gitlemen, the girl from season one who can tap into the internet and all that jazz died in the Herores Graphic Novel, Volume One. So I don't think it's her.
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