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The Donators
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Status Updates posted by Maxx

  1. Participated in the first Strange Kids Club round table today: http://www.strangekidsclub.com/2012/07/25/roundtable-favorite-toy-commercials/ I talk about Crossfire, which you will get caught up in.

    1. Evil Chase K

      Evil Chase K

      I played Crossfire once in my life.

      It was at a sports card convention and I played against a kid who was apparently the American Crossfire Champion.

      I didn't know how to play and he beat me in like 15 seconds.

      I suck.

  2. Dark Knight Rises screening tomorrow, fuck yeah!

    1. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      I know a guy who worked crew on that film. Been bugging the fuck out since he showed me pics on his phone. Can't wait for it to come out.

  3. I think I may be getting Little Pete from Pete & Pete as a podcast guest, and he's bringing Lisa Foiles with him again. Reddit and Twitter are wonderful things.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C-MIL


      Did you get Petunia too?

    3. The Future

      The Future

      thats awesome, I downloaded the entire show last year, epic blast of nostalgia. be sure to tell him the show had the best theme song!

    4. Maxx


      Yes it did Gogo. Then I asked him on twitter if he'd do a podcast and he agreed, only if Lisa would come on as well.

  4. Tonight on http://www.myrottingbrain.com, it's a review of The Tale of the Captured Souls. Come watch a Lionel Richie impersonator grow old before your eyes!

  5. Anyone have any requests for Are You Afraid of the Dark? episodes for me to review? I'll be doing a few next week.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      Pirate ghost kidnaps the dude's little sibling.

    3. Maxx


      Already did both of those.

    4. ROC


      The one with the campfire intro.

  6. Tonight on My Rotting Brain...I write for another site again. This time about Eerie, Indiana: http://www.strangekidsclub.com/2012/06/20/eerie-indiana-episode-19/

  7. My Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter review- The book is infinitely better, but the train scene was really cool.

  8. I don't know if they grade sand, but if they do...coarse.

    1. Berober


      Goddammit Woodhouse!

    2. C-MIL


      He thinks he's people!

  9. Tonight on http://www.myrottingbrain.com I see how the new Figure It Out stacks up to the old one.

  10. So...You ever see Hooper?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maxx


      I meant the Burt Reynolds movie where he's a hard living stunt man.

    3. C-MIL


      That sounds awesome!

    4. Maxx
  11. EWB King of Fighters sign ups close Friday! Get your teams in now! Especially you, Ruki.

  12. EWB King of Fighters, now accepting sign ups! A game for lazy RPers, that anyone can win! Sign Ups in the Seventh Side!

  13. Today on My Rotting Brain...I write an article for Strange Kids Club. http://www.strangekidsclub.com/2012/05/23/lost-signals-vh1s-strange-frequency-2001/

  14. You know what you don't see enough of anymore? Those fake spilled food displays.


  16. Just found out they released Strange Frequency on DVD, purchased immediately.

  17. Tonight on http://www.myrottingbrain.com I get uncharacteristically serious and talk about Tom Gabel's recent announcement. Yay?

  18. Yeah, look at his name: Rapier Ape. He's obviously taken raping to a whole new level.

  19. Who wants to come live in Texas with me?

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Can you find me work and a green card?

    2. Cactus Drags

      Cactus Drags

      Depends, how often do The Revival Tour lot play there?

  20. Looking forkward.

  21. Not only can’t you have ham, you can’t have any luncheon meats.

  22. Imagine that Stan, karate Jesus.

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