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Noah last won the day on September 28 2018

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About Noah

  • Birthday 01/11/1878

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Main Eventer (10/12)



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  1. Is there any point to getting Minecraft on the PS3? I never really thought much of the game, until I started watching videos from RedDash16 on youtube(his dalek mod series in particular is awesome). Now I kind of want to play it but if I get it on the PC it'd just become one of many games I want to play and that I probably wont get around to playing. If I got it on the PS3 however, it'd probably be top of the list and I'd have plenty of time to play it. However if the PS3 version...

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    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      The crafting is pretty nice, not having to remember all the recipes and the smaller worlds might not even be an issue if you're not prone to wandering around. But you'd be missing out on the mod support and it's always a few patches behind, though at this point patches only seem to add minor things like rabbits so it's not a huge deal.

    3. Noah


      Thanks for the advice!

    4. TheWho87


      I'd say the PS3 community isnt as big as it is/was on 360 since they had it for a year or so before the PS3 but its minecraft so there is enough people about playing, there are a few people on here that have it on PS3 including myself.

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