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Everything posted by tenaciousg

  1. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    They're general turnbuckle moves this year. Still interactive, but no longer environmental.
  2. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    It's actually much better than it used to be, trust me.
  3. There's a new site that opened up recently... TEWverse I think. There should be a link to it in the TEW10 General section on GDS.
  4. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    It's because you're not tapping the X button (I assume; I have a 360, so it's A for me) fast enough. The amount of damage you've taken over the course of a match also has something to do with it - if you're beaten up, odds are, you won't be able to get the advantage. And maybe weight is a factor, I don't know.
  5. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    I feel nerdy in the best way that I'm getting all the references. Anything Community-related is a definite five-star review from me.
  6. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    All of the DLCs have something free. If you can't afford the pack, downloading the free superstar (IIRC, it's alt. Christian for the WrestleMania pack, Alicia for the Divas pack, and Brodus for the Legends pack) allows you to face people who would use the downloaded superstars in that pack online. But yeah, Alicia's free.
  7. I prefer the Specter (or whatever the VTOL bike is called) to anything else. It's ridiculous.
  8. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Kharma and Alicia Fox's profiles on the WWE '12 site have been unlocked. I only checked Kharma's (since really, she's the one of the two of them that I've actually ever cared about), but it looks pretty good. At least compared to the earlier video I posted.
  9. Wait, are you looking for mods for TEW2010 or mods set in 2010?
  10. KONGO's right. My cousin fucked up his first character because he exploited how easy it is to skill-up Smithing, so after he hit 100 (and had the "levels" to match), most enemies were grossly overleveled compared to his much-weaker attack/defense stats.
  11. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    As long as you don't get eliminated after the thirtieth or fortieth entrant, I think you can just keep re-entering as different guys.
  12. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Probably, even though the WWEGames crew was retweeting positive comments about the servers being back up despite an overwhelming majority still being unable to connect.
  13. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    And considering they have Nexus armbands in CAS.
  14. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    1.) Undertaker uses his regular theme, obviously. They'd have to pay a lot to license "Ain't No Grave" for '12, just like they would've had to to license it for the WrestleMania 27 DVD. 2.) I don't know, but then again, I wouldn't change Triple H's theme. 3.) His original Valkyries theme from earlier this year, though there's a thread on CAWS.ws (I know) where a guy put up download links for arena versions of themes, and one of the many themes included is his current rock-style version of RoTV.
  15. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Eh. It's still better than any SvR11 CAS attempt at her.
  16. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Since they're unlisted videos, I'm not sure if I can post the actual video itself... but regardless: ladies and gentlemen... and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPyCwgB59oA.
  17. Well, the Commander Shepard story will end in March. There's still the possibility of other games set in the ME universe, there's still the film... at the very least, I'd rather have Mass Effect end on its intended third chapter than for it to have ended up like Too Human.
  18. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    If you decide to change the match's participants, you can select the attire so-and-so wears. Speaking of Superstar Threads, does anyone else feel really messed-up making a Black Reign attire for Goldust (now that we can alter the color of his facepaint) considering how apparently fucked up he was during that gimmick?
  19. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    I loved throwing people around in Sheamus' RTWM whenever I'd get to control Regal. I just had Barrett and Cole attack Randy Orton in my Universe, so I threw Regal with them just for laughs; but they're actually a pretty good team. They won the tag belts recently, beating Arn Anderson and Vader for the belts (they held them despite only being teamed up so I could get my useless tag belts off of current teams)... but I'm thinking that I might bring Arn and Vader onto the main shows. Another person I love using is Mark Henry, if only because it just feels awesome to see someone stretchered out when they took two consecutive World's Strongest Slams.
  20. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Yes, under "Suplex Hammer", I believe.
  21. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Eh. I had Kane get injured, but he was still booked every week.
  22. I only understand hiding achievements if they're story-related.
  23. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    The songs aren't automatically tied to the videos, though; they're there so you can get a feel for what the 'tron would be like.
  24. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    All of the custom titantron templates. I think I might use the Movie Star one first.
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