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Everything posted by tenaciousg

  1. What the fuck. Half those people are shittily sidestepped names while the other half are literally just a guy's real name and ring name switched up. And how the fuck is "The Leprechaun" not a ripoff? The only difference between that thing and Hornswoggle is that Hornswoggle's not explicitly referred to as a leprechaun anymore. EDIT: Also, I'm 99% sure that the "Iron Man Match" card has Shawn Michaels' face completely unchanged with the exception of the terrible Super Saiyan haircut.
  2. True, but there's a difference between parodying something and having a big guy who looks like Kane circa 2001, just in blue clothes and named Able in your game.
  3. I tend to find that much like FF8, the people that see FF12 as the "best" of the series were introduced to the games with it.
  4. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Why? This year's RTWM is all about telling a bigger story, and I'd much rather play with my CAW under the name "Jacob Cass" and have the announcers actually refer to the name rather than "And the superstar delivers once again!" or some other generic lines like that. I was under the impression that "Jacob" was chosen because it's a fairly common name and "Cass" was chosen because it's a play on the abbreviation for "Create-A-Superstar".
  5. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    I think they might have taken them out of 2011 due to the new physics system, but I wouldn't be surprised if they put them back in now that they're more experienced with it.
  6. My cousin's discovered how utterly overpowered Smithing can get. Last night, he made 51 Iron Daggers and bumped himself up not only two levels, but up to 50 in Smithing. He also had a giant hit a home-run strike on the dog companion. We thought it was dead until it randomly came back to him.
  7. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    The video made it sound like it really is a totally random pick that generates after the match - the screen of the roster cycling through is probably the game's way of running a code to pick somebody to move. In theory you're just as likely to see John Cena get drafted as you are Husky Harris. But since it's only a 4 match show, I'll probably do my own Supplemental Draft to move a couple extra people to freshen things up each year. The cutscene of Brock randomly showing up is a bit of a red flag...hopefully legends making shocking returns isn't a common occurence. Think about it: the reason Brock showed up was because he got unlocked. You buy Fan Axxess (if it ever gets released) and you've got the All Unlockables patch; thus, no "surprise returns" by legends.
  8. The only bad thing I can say about this game so far is how often I see the load screen... but given the size of the game's world, it's very understandable.
  9. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    I'm fairly certain that a majority of my gaming time until March next year will be taken up by this, Skyrim, and Saint's Row 3.
  10. Did you add them while running the game in Administrator mode?
  11. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    To be fair, these avatar items were planned before WWE caught on to Zack Ryder's increasing popularity. I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of Ryder avatar merch if he can stay in US title contention until next year's cutoff date.
  12. For those interested, I think the Initiation Station is up for everyone now.
  13. The GDS site and G Network are about it, sorry.
  14. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    But there's still only one. It's at the MITB pay-per-view, though, so I've got to give credit for that. They did pretty well this year.
  15. Why is Miz a heavyweight when he only weighs five pounds more than Morrison? Isn't the normal cruiserweight limit set at 225 lbs.?
  16. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    True, but there's still a marked difference between a created version of someone and the genuine article. There's always something a little off.
  17. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    I think this is from the October issue of WWE Magazine...
  18. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    To be fair, it only looks bad because the person doing the video activated it from the nearest corner he could find. I'm sure if he had gone to literally any other corner, it would have been a little smoother.
  19. Why? It'd be one thing if Foley was reffing every match on the card, but he's not an "official" referee, just a guest one.
  20. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    It fits. Six Divas, eight Superstars. If that's really the DLC lineup, then my preorder is even more confirmed than it already was.
  21. I don't necessarily mean to quote Miz, but really? Really? It's the first thread down from this one. Bill's monthly updates.
  22. tenaciousg

    WWE '12

    Actual in-ring gameplay video ahoy! The first portion is the ass end of a Triple H/R-Truth match, but around 2:40, they get to Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan, which shows off some of the upgrades/returns, like running springboard moves, the Comeback Combo, the Breaking Point system, etc.
  23. Okay, then; but it's still nothing like the Effverse mod. The Effverse starts in the 1920s with a handful of wrestlers and maybe two or three promotions. From there, it relies on TEW 08 and 10's worker generation to fill up the wrestling world. What you're making sounds more like, if I'm remembering it correctly, a TEW05 pseudo-translation of the "Ultimate Fed Warfare" scenario for EWR. Hopefully it inspires more people to experiment with their data so we can get more activity around here.
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