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Everything posted by Gabriel

  1. Godsend 2/10 -The only reason that this piece of shit even got 2, is because of the great premise for the story, as well as some superb acting by Greg Kinnear. If I had to choose two words to describe this film, I would simply say: God Awful.
  2. In no particular order: Benny & Joon Interview With The Vampire Fight Club The Matrix Kill Bill (vol's 1 and 2) American History X The Crow Underworld Old School Legend
  3. There will be no Austin in the game, but it'll be easy to create him. Rock will be in...he always is.
  4. Taking Lives 8.5/10 Loved the movie, but it moved a bit too slow for me at parts. Maybe I'm just tired.
  5. The Whole Ten Yards 5/10. It was mildly amusing, and humorous at parts...but it was much too confusing in a bad way, and the minor characters were annoying as all hell.
  6. 04 > 03. I haven't seen all the films this summer yet, but with what I have seen, this summer is on pace to blow away last summer.
  7. Eh, his reputation got tarnished a bit thanks to Method of Mayhem and his less-than-jovial departure from Motely Crue. Not to mention that his work with one drumstick outshined his work with two, if you catch my drift. ←
  8. I hate you all...you all neglected the greatest Drummer of the Hair Metal era... Tommy fucking Lee.
  9. Most of New Found Glory's songs are pretty upbeat and poppy.
  10. I've already got SVR and Predator on pre-order, and I personally cannot wait to hang and skin some poor fucker in Predator.
  11. Kill Bill: Volume 2 9.5/10 -I had to second that rating. The acting was amazing, and the story was good. The only thing missing from this was the fighting, which was in abundance in the first film.
  12. It really wouldn't have worked if the attention was focused on the human actors. I liked the fact that they didn't have name actors, aside from Henrickson. Charles Bishop Weyland (AVP) was the inspiration behind the Bishop androids. Bishop II (the actual character name) in Alien 3, has been said to have been a more advanced android, but that may be just for storyline continuity with AVP, or perhaps Bishop II wasn't an android, and was instead more of a clone of Charles Bishop Weyland.
  13. As I said in the "What Films Have You Seen Today" topic...I really enjoyed this movie, despite the constant backlash against both the plot, and director Paul Anderson. Anderson did a good job with the film, and I'm hoping for a sequel, especially with the Predalien appearance at the end of the film. The only thing I'm worried about, is that the sequel would just be Predalien destroying the Predators, until one of them lucks out and kills it...making them look way more inferior than they should...unless they end up on a planet with an Alien Queen.
  14. 7.5/10 I don't care what anyone says, I really enjoyed this movie (as you can see by my ranking it higher than The Village, which I also liked.) The acting was okay, and I actually cared about a few of the characters. The Predators looked really good, as did the Aliens (especially the Queen). I liked how they followed some of the comic book storylines. Fans clamor for those to be included, but everyone I've seen talking about the end of the film said that they hated it and blah blah this and blech that...even though they're the ones who whine for CBC (Comic Book Continuity) in films. So I say fuck them. The story was decent to good, the action was great, and the intaglement of world history into the history of the Aliens and Predators was well done and interesting. The only thing, in my eyes, that could have made this work better, aside from the Predators (minus Scar) not being pussies, would have been an 18-A/R rating, and a little more intensity in the death scenes/battles. One last thing... there had better be a sequel, because the cliffhanger at the end would really piss me off if there aren't any plans for one at this time.
  15. Nothing really... I just have never been able to have the courtesy of doing so...and with such a discovery, I have become excited.
  16. lmao...if that's what it is, then X needs to be pimp-slapped for his ignorance. You don't have to be a hardcore Nirvana fan, but you should at least know their BIGGEST freakin' hit.
  17. Showdown: Legends of Wrestling III 6.5/10 The game is fun, and the controls are easily picked up. The nostalgia is almost awe-inspiring at times, but the movesets are nauseating in their inaccuracies, and moves are done ad-nauseam, even when trying not to. The career mode sucks balls, but the Classic Matches were fun. There really is no re-payability to this, and I think that instead of paying $70 for this game, I'd rather pay $20 for a second memory card, and create my own Legends league in Here Comes The Pain.
  18. OMFG!!! THIS ROXORZ!!! That's exactly what I was thinking when I was told that I could have as many games on pre-order as I want, and also that if I brought them back within two weeks, I'd get my money back in the form of store credits. So what did I do? I've put $25 down on SmackDown Vs RAW, which is priced at $49.99 (yes, I double checked) and due out in November...and then put $5 more down on Predator: Concrete Jungle, which is priced at $59.99, and due out in October. This fucking rocks. Gaby will be pre-ordering games like it's nobody's business.
  19. I'm sure, because I walked right into the store, and talked to the guy.
  20. Yeah, sure....but that made it the worst movie you ever seen? I mean, I disliked the ending to Signs TO THE EXTREME(HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT), but that isn't enough to make it the worst movie I've ever seen. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, From Justin To Kelly, Van Helsing, and thousands of others stand in it's path to ultimate sucktitude. ← ... I liked Van Helsing...6.5/10
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