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Everything posted by Numbahs

  1. Knocked Up - ***** out of ***** Surprisingly, my first 5 star movie of the year. Hands down, the best of a very shitty year so far.
  2. Shrek The Third - ** out of ***** Cadillac Man - *** out of ***** Hostel: Part II - * out of *****
  3. Looks really funny, but the scene isn't that great. It was funny for the first little bit and just kind of carried on. Looking forward to it.
  4. The song doesn't really "flow" to me, as it sounds like they just put a bunch of riffs together that didn't fit with any other song they were doing. That being said, all of those riffs kick major ass and I like the song.
  5. I really don't know what Portland would want to trade for.... I think that if they were to trade Randolph for draft picks, or a pick in general, it's a waste. What they need it veteran leadership. Someone who's going to shoulder all criticism for the team while they underachieve for a year or so. Someone who's not going to feel hurt if he gets his playing time cut for the sake of player development. Hell, I'm sure they'd even take Pau Gasol at this point.
  6. The ESPN.com headline says it all..."Portland beat the odds Tuesday night, winning the NBA draft lottery and the right to draft Greg Oden". Good luck, Seattle...it might be time to do away with Lewis.
  7. TRADE ZACH RANDOLPH. He's a cancer to the growth of young talent. That's my only advice to Portland....other than "don't be stupid, pick Oden".
  8. At this rate, it'll be Homewrecker McGowen.
  9. I didn't think the first one was awful(like most), but it wasn't that good. It was sillier than most of the comic book movies coming out nowadays. They really only started tapping the potential of the fight scenes at the end where the four worked together. I'll watch it, but I expect total crap.
  10. If it's going to be serious, they need someone who can act. No Alba, please.
  11. I am now looking forward to December....is that wrong? They haven't even promised a trailer or anything like that. Hell, I'd even settle for something similar to this.
  12. Hannibal Rising - * out of ***** The first 30 minutes set a horrible pace for what turns out to be an equally bad experience.
  13. Numbahs

    John Rambo

    Really? I didn't think it looked like that at all. Thought it looked like quite good.
  14. Numbahs

    John Rambo

    I think it looks hilarious. Very straight-to-DVD and hilarious. I'll see it.
  15. I'm pretty sure you and I were seperated at birth. Anytime I think that I tell myself to shut up and remember it's a tv show trying to be more entertaining.
  16. Well, he doesn't like sitting near the red-head. He would much rather sit near the receptionist. Creed rules...especially in the Casino Night episode.
  17. I agree with Beatnik. This show has turned unbelievable. Not unfunny, mind you, but unbelievable. The characters portrayed by everyone started out as nods to people that you interact with in your everyday life. Now in season three(sometimes in season two even) all of the characters have turned into caricatures of themselves. While one of the more consistent characters on the show, Michael is not even close to the same as David Brent was on the UK Office. Brent was obsessed with receiving attention and building himself up in the eyes of everyone. Every time he spoke, it was like a cry for help. It eventually got to the point where you(and the other characters) felt sorry for him. It hasn't(and probably won't) happened with Carell's character because he comes across as a dork who doesn't know any better. The only way this show can turn around in a big way is if he gets fired. It has to happen sooner or later, because that's one of the things that they haven't done yet from the UK show. The show should've been done at the end of season two. That was it's moment of greatness.
  18. After having played a good 13 matches or so, I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised with it. I like it more than Halo 2. The level in the snow is fantastic for slayer games. I love running into one of the bases with a guy behind me and then turning around and lobbing a grenade as they past through the door/shield. One melee or a couple bursts from the rifle and they are toast after that.
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