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Everything posted by Numbahs

  1. I thought of WWF Attitude as well...
  2. Honestly, I've liked every single Pixar movie. Even Cars... The Incredibles would've been an epic action movie if it was live-action. All of the (main) characters are clearly defined and get their own share of the spotlight when it comes to the action sequences.
  3. The UK version is far superior, IMO. The US show peaked with the Season Two Finale.
  4. Up - **** out of ***** The best Pixar movie since The Incredibles. Despite being udderly ridiculous, it tells a fan-dabi-dozi story with characters that have clear goals. The opening ten/fifteen minutes is better than almost anything I've seen this year...
  5. Cung Le will crush Scott Smith with his kicks... Smith should change his nickname to "The Heavy Bag".
  6. I was wrong about the early turnovers in the Bama/LSU game. Still, it's been a contest with a fair amount of sloppy QB play. Looks like it will be another close one between two fan-dabi-dozi defensive teams... The SEC is the best conference in college football
  7. About to get down with some SEC goodness... LSU vs. Alabama I think Alabama is going to win, although the -7 spread might be too much. I expect a close, turnover-filled first half.
  8. I'll be into it if I can strike fear into my friends with magical technicolor submission pants...
  9. X3: The Last Stand - ** out of ***** Easily the worst of the X-Men movies. All of the characters stink and have no real arc of any kind. The action depends heavily on wire work, which looks ridiculous and fake. Plus, Frasier is Beast.
  10. Yankees should pick up Jermaine Dye. That = Repeat.
  11. Numbahs

    South Park

    Pimp Butters is the only good episode of this half season. Last week's dolphin episode made me think that Trey and Matt were blaming their fans for Pearl Harbor and trying to kill them with awful television.
  12. Law-Abiding Citizen - ** out of ***** Pandorum - * out of *****
  13. Looks like a pile of Bruckheimer...
  14. The Last House On The Left - It sucked a big penis/10
  15. Transformers - * out of ***** Just fucking terrible.
  16. Watched The Simpsons Movie yesterday. Funnier than it had any right to be, given the nature of the show now... *** out of *****
  17. "Cowboy" is in the running for dumbest song ever. When I live to see a time where that song will be covered by somebody, I'll punch someone from that generation in the face daily.
  18. ...Is the three stars alone for Catalina's breasts?
  19. The Hottest State - *** out of ***** As with most adaptations, the book is better. Although it's mostly because Hawke totally changed the ending and added a lot of things that made it less of a story that you get your own meaning out of.
  20. Just finished watching... Reign Over Me - *** out of *****
  21. The Namesake - **** out of ***** Fantastic movie ruined by the fact that the last 20-30 minutes are unnecessary to the film version of the story. I'm sure it's an even better book.
  22. Group A: City Of God vs Pulp Fiction Sunset Blvd. vs Rear Window Group B: Psycho vs Casablanca Lawrence Of Arabia vs Seven Samurai Group C: Goodfellas vs Godfather Fight Club vs Star Wars Group D: Once Upon A Time In The West vs Schindlers List Amelie vs Raiders Of The Lost Ark Group E: Usual Suspects vs Empire Strikes Back Memento vs One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Group F: North By Northwest vs The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Two Towers vs 12 Angry Men Group G: Doctor Strangelove vs Shawshank Redemption Silence Of The Lambs vs Return Of The King Group H: Citizen Kane vs Godfather II It's A Wonderful Life vs Fellowship Of The Ring The only choice I feel bad about is Memento over Cuckoo's Nest.
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