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Everything posted by Numbahs

  1. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy - ***1/2 or (7.5/10) - (Y) Really funny shit.
  2. Any rating system has it's flaws....violence is totally up to the individual on how "bad" it is, sex as well.
  3. I heard that if you win an auction for it on Ebay, you get a free GTA: San Andreas beta....
  4. I think the movie looks really funny, and the good word of mouth from screenings that I've heard makes me want to see it even more. Too bad I'm stuck in a place with one movie theater that shows one film a week until late August... (Pay)Advanced screenings for the movie are being held a week from Saturday. I hope to find a theater within 100 miles that is showing it then.
  5. Girl With A Pearl Earring - *** or (6/10) - (Y)
  6. I'm gonna check the Wal-Mart in the ghetto village that I'm staying in for the next month or so to see if they have it tomorrow....I hope they do.
  7. Wow, is Beyonce still attached as Lois?....If not, there goes my interest.
  8. Speed -**** or (8/10) - (Y) One of the few big time action blockbusters I saw as a kid that's greatness actually holds up now. The only other one I can think of is True Lies.
  9. I smell a sitcom![/familyguy]
  10. Wayne's World 2 - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)
  11. Batman is my favorite, but I think Wolverine is the best.
  12. I'd feel fine if it's a miscarriage. I really wouldn't want that woman to be responsible for another life. She'd probably gank the baby up with drugs pre-birth anyway.
  13. Close. Chasing Amy(1) and Dogma(7).
  14. I believe I have 82 Ben Folds songs on my current playlist
  15. "Bad" like it's an old Michael Jackson song....not "bad" like a bad sunburn.
  16. Being the die-hard Kevin Smith mark that I am, I can't really comment too much on the weaknesses of the movie....I laugh very hard(and loud) everytime I see it. It's pretty much one of the most "inside" movies ever committed to film. I got 90% of the jokes the first time I saw it, I get even more of them now. Notice that I pointed out it was on my "all-time favorites" list. Two other View Askew films happen to be there as well(at #1 and #7). It's not one of the best movies ever made by a long shot.
  17. *Slaps him with his copy of MM2004 for XBox*
  18. Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back - ****1/2 or (9/10) - (Y) #9 on my all-time favorites list... American Psycho - **1/2 or (5/10) - (N)
  19. I was just wondering if it was the wrong way to feel about the situation...
  20. Is it a bad thing if I go and buy a gun in the hopes that one day I will pull the trigger when it is aimed at her face?
  21. Sometimes you guys make me want to punch myself in the face multiple times for reading your stupid arguments.... Anyway, I can't wait for NCAA 2005....I'll see some of you on XBox Live.
  22. I can only think of Soul Plane and Friday After Next right off the top of my head... IMDB comes calling, I guess.
  23. City Of God - ***1/2 or (7.5/10) - (Y)
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