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Everything posted by Numbahs

  1. You can always download those... :smug:
  2. SPOILERS? Didn't they kill off Chewie in one of the first books in the series?...If so, my interest slightly died.
  3. Numbahs


    Probably a CGI man...
  4. I have VVV, and like it enough to "look into purchasing this one". Man, does that lead singer remind me of Mick Jagger...
  5. You don't need to tell me.....I read a ton of those things(in order) all throughout elementary school/junior high. No idea who could play Thrawn or Mara Jade though...
  6. That's the key to them being fantastic. They could at least be PG-13(maybe) and could be based on THE NOVELS. Not made up by Lucas 10 days before shooting begins.
  7. ...yeah, now he doesn't have to worry about possible drug tests...
  8. I got it today...as a die-hard Madden man, I can't get the hang of the controls just yet. I won my only full game so far, 16-7. Playing Carmen Electra(amongst others) is pretty fun, albeit semi-tough. Franchise mode is cool enough to keep me playing. Sportscenter(and the other Berman things) get on my nerves just as much as they awes me with something cool. Very solid effort, fun, and has some cool ideas. Very much worth $50 if asked....
  9. I've heard the title rumored. That seemed to be the front-runner from what I'd heard. Anyway, Revenge Of The Sith just continues the B-Movie sounding subtitles of the first two prequels.
  10. Well... (Cuts him loose from the Dolphins in ESPN 2k5)
  11. Fall Of The Republic > Revenge Of The Sith
  12. Wonder Boys - **** or (8.5/10) - (Y) The Ninth Gate - ** or (4/10) - (N) Silly. Just silly. Napoleon Dynamite - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y) Still funny on viewing number four....and the added scene wasn't that funny. Still had some choice laughs in it though.
  13. Numbahs


    Van Helsuck and RE2 say hello and want to know why you don't call them anymore...
  14. I doubt the Wachowskis will have anything to do with this....I bet they are still on the "let it speak for itself" kick. Code for... "We put out a quick two sequels that were really pretty lame outside of the CGI action we didn't really need."
  15. If you're a fan of Mega Man, buy it. I spent an hour playing it in a game store in the mall.
  16. I think they are inserting all of the cutscenes from the game into Reloaded in the big Trilogy Boxset coming before Christmas. I think Reloaded is gonna be over 3 hours. So yes, it does have some impact on the story when put in the whole thing.
  17. I'd go with Pacino...it's pretty much a coin flip(and both of them have sunk into lame roles in recent years), but I think Pacino has more left in the tank as well as being better in comedy roles.
  18. Numbahs


    I hope you realize I was making a joke...I didn't read it that way...
  19. Numbahs


    I don't like the way you insult lesbians...
  20. Numbahs


    I said I'd be there opening day on the first showing, but I lied....sorry. Due to circumstances where I changed locations for money, I have to travel 40 minutes to see any real "first-run" flicks. This sucks....but oh well, I'll see this piece of shit in a couple weeks, then you'll know my total opinion on it. Sorry to let all of you people down...
  21. Waking The Dead - **1/2 or (5/10) - (N) The last 15-20 minutes ruin the movie completely....too bad.
  22. No doubt. The remake of Dawn Of The Dead is kinda the way an RE movie should've been...IMO.
  23. I know, I meant more in the sense of "if you like RE, AvP should be right up your alley because it has bad acting, stuff that doesn't make sense, and swerves that don't matter". Well, I guess now I don't have to write my thoughts on Resident Evil... :ohwell:
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