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Everything posted by Numbahs

  1. I don't know...but it sucks.
  2. Did you read the people being thought of? HUGH FUCKING GRANT?
  3. Scarecrow and Ra(')s Al Guhl...
  4. Anyone who's listened to Rubberband Man has beef with TI.
  5. Very underwhelming. Looks like ass so far.
  6. Life As A House - *** or (6/10) - (Y) I cried like a bitch at the end of this thing....I feel weak.
  7. Yes. Cell phones, movies and mace are all entertainment topics.
  8. That's the word, but until it shows up on MPAA.org I'm not saying anything.
  9. If Colin Farrell isn't even considered, I might boycott. He's a no-brainer.
  10. Mean Girls - *** or (6/10) - (Y) A whole lot funnier than I remembered on first viewing....I'd have to buy it on DVD. Starsky & Hutch - *** or (6.5/10) - (Y) After buying it two weeks ago, I finally opened it and watched it again. The first 30 minutes still suck.
  11. That would be it...IIRC. I have both of the soundtracks at home...
  12. Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen - *1/2 or (3/10) - (N) This thing was god-awful. If it were not for the somewhat peppy "spark" that was Lindsey Lohan, this would've been totally unwatchable. It's become quite obvious that Lindsey Lohan has quite the acting future ahead of her....if she sticks to non-Disney fare.
  13. I hope William Hung takes a dirt nap because of this...
  14. 13 Going On 30 - ** or (4/10) - (N) Christ...bad, bad, bad.
  15. Mine should already be in the mail, I pre-ordered it right after it was announced. Too bad it's being shipped to AZ instead of where I am currently.
  16. Garfield - ** or (4.5/10) - (N) Garfield screws Odie over, Odie goes away, Toy Story ensues. Yay. Really not as bad as I thought it would be....I actually chuckled a fair amount in the first half. This movie could have been an awesome R-Rated comedy if given the chance.
  17. The Human Stain - ** or (4.5/10) - (N) I think they chose the wrong story to focus on....the backstory was the only thing I found to be semi-good. Other than that, it was just boring.
  18. Numbahs


    Well, considering how this is a totally different Catwoman with no relation to the comics in the slightest(I guess)...it doesn't seem that stupid. And she's not really the villain of her own book in the comic universe... :smug:
  19. After playing it a little more last night, I had to bring one thing up.... At first I thought the graphics were "meh", but the more I play it, the more I like the graphics over Madden's.
  20. Kanye West - College Dropout I wouldn't say the CD is terrific by any means, but it's catchy and has skits that you can actually listen to more than once and enjoy. I've got more playtime out of that disc over the course of it's release than I thought I would in the next 5 years.
  21. There are already 17 of those things? Whoa....last I knew, they were at #5 or something.
  22. *SPOILERS* Never Die Alone - **1/2 or (5.5/10) - (N) I have to admit that I thought this would suck, but I was pleasantly surprised. The movie wasn't too good until DMX died, after that though, it really picked up and I was totally entertained. The only thing keeping me from recommending it is pretty much the acting. Some of it is laughable(and Former WCW World Champ Arquette blows, as per usual). Check it out if it even looked semi-interesting, it might surprise you.
  23. I must have wandered into the wrong topic....I don't know what half of this shit is.
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