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Status Replies posted by HC

  1. The one thing WWE has done right in the past month is managing to get me exited about Husky Harris, which is a huge feat in itself.

  2. For anyone with an Ipad, is it worth it? Already have my own laptop, but I would one be beneficial for college?

  3. Does the PS4 come out in the Fall or around Christmas time?

  4. Does the PS4 come out in the Fall or around Christmas time?

  5. ...man, the Muses are the only black characters in Hercules, and. Well.

  6. Dear D-Wade. Do you know my man D-Bryan? Is he in you gave five?

  7. I have to get three shots to enroll in college. I haven't gotten a shot since I was like 6.

  8. Superman Returns has a higher critical rating than MOS at the moment. There is something very worrying and wrong about that.

  9. Sony debuted a new gimmick (Fan pleaser), it got a positive response.

  10. Helpful tip: the thumbs up is now :(Y): instead of just (Y).

  11. E-Fed jokes aside, do they still exist? Yes, roleplay for wrestling and I haven't lost my E-Fed.

  12. Looper is confusing even by time travel standards.

  13. Google "Spirit Squad Best Stable Ever" and Google will auto-correct to "Best Stable Never"

  14. So...when I walk across the stage for graduation and Pomp and Circumstance is playing, is it socially acceptable to yell "Ooh Yeah"?

  15. This ISSSSS the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world.

  16. Cesaro puts the W in WWE? But, which one?

  17. RAW wouldn't be so dreadful if I didn't have to listen to JBL try to act like a commentator.

  18. I think I will make some modifications to the Fusient Buys WCW scenario and add some more workers.

  19. Learning to drive is the absolute worst. I almost ran off of the road....twice.

  20. I would go to senior prom, provided the tagline was "Enchantment Under the Sea."

  21. I would go to senior prom, provided the tagline was "Enchantment Under the Sea."

  22. Will there ever be a Mrs.Headcheese? At this rate, probably not.

  23. Will there ever be a Mrs.Headcheese? At this rate, probably not.

  24. Bret Hart looks like a waxwork model of Billy Kidman left out in the sun.

  25. In TEW 13, how do I change the show/match ratings from letters to numbers?

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